Cameron in a Nicaraguan produce marketSometimes as I’m moving around in my day, an image gets stuck in my head that I can’t shake. Sometimes it conjures up a memory, a feeling, or provides an impulse to do something. Often, though, I just see something that I want to capture in my mind for no particular reason-it just speaks to me. I’d like to offer these images up for ‘thought contributions’-as a way to generate a community of ideas together.
At this time of year, it’s all about the harvest. Crops are ripe, summer gardens are being sowed and then tilled under in preparation for winter planting. But my garden this year – not so good. I tallied less than a dozen tomatoes, and four measley peppers. And this wasn’t due to lack of effort or care-I tilled, composted, fertilized, watered, planted and tended my crops from last April til now. I guess this just wasn’t the year. Mother Nature didn’t cooperate – our cool northern California spring wasn’t the right temperature to set fruit. Our usual one hundred degree plus summer heat never really materialized, leaving valley farmers shaking their heads and hoping for the best. Me? I keep my plants in, hoping that those green orbs will somehow ripen if I just have faith. So today’s Friday Photo reminded me of what an abundant life I have. No matter what happens to my own garden, I will have enough. I have resources to get what I need. It might not be directly from my own hands, but it will be fresh, healthy, available and enough to sustain me and my family. In today’s photo my son marvels at the bounty we found in Ciudad Dario, Nicaragua. Gorgeous produce can be had there for mere pennies-but to many Nicaraguans, pennies are like diamonds. Produce is grown on your own land, and a luxury to purchase. There are no ‘bulk buys’ or prepackaged warehouse size amounts. People simply buy what they can, only what they need. I enter this harvest season with a heart full of gratitude, and a faith that next year, my harvest will be that of my own making. What hopes do you have for the next year? Will you have an abundant harvest? |
Comments: 16
Friday Photo: It's Just Like Life - mamawolfe
November 15, 2015[…] Photo moments from weeks gone by, when I captured a last gasp of summer, Dia de los Muertos and a harvest. Click over and take a look, and please, let me know what you […]
October 26, 2011Hi Joanna, welcome to mamawolfe!
Hi Spanish…yes, it is about having just enough. Not too much, but just what we need.
October 26, 2011I’d like to think that harvest is the time to collect what nature gives you. Sometimes it’s not what we expect but it’s probably sufficient to keep me satisfied. But isn’t amazing what you can plant and grow. I’m sure those Nicaraguan farmers were lucky for you to buy those produce.
October 26, 2011I’m following you from the Get Connected Tuesday Blog Hop.
October 26, 2011Hi Desiree, yes, Nicaragua was life changing for me and my children. We are so blessed in the US.
Hi Mandi~ I’m glad you enjoyed it. The market was truly amazing-such gorgeous food in such a sparse and dirty place.
October 25, 2011What a beautiful post in so many ways. I love the sentiment behind it and the photo is gorgeous. Reminds me again to count my blessings.
Smile and Mama With Me
October 25, 2011Lovely sentiments and really, a great lesson to be learnt from the Nicaraguans…to buy only what is needed. We waste so much in our own homes, don’t we? I’ve not had a great amount of success with growing my own crops. I really do find it easier to buy fresh, just what I need, but that doesn’t stop me from thinking I’d like to do better.
October 25, 2011Thanks, Christy. That’s a great attitude to take you through life!
Christy @ Insanity Is Not An Option
October 25, 2011I’m always hopeful for an abundant “harvest” no matter what I’m seeking! Thanks for always sharing the real you! You rock!
October 25, 2011Hi Brenda~ yes, life is great when I can dig out from under the piles…right now it is literally piles of student essays to grade!
Hi Megan~ you can always try container gardening!
Hi Jenn~ thank you! Glad you liked the photo…and when I feel overwhelmed by ‘lack’, I just remember my friends there…
Hi Laura~ Thank you. Great time to be giving thanks!
October 24, 2011What a great reminder that we have so much to be thankful for in our lives. And the photo is absolutely gorgeous!
October 24, 2011What a lovely post! You’re not the only one who struggled with her garden this year… I have a friend who relies on her land for much of what her family eats throughout the year, and it was a rough year for her too. Her family trades with other farmers to make ends meet, but this year they just came up short.
It was a rough year for my dad, too, who does quite a bit of organic gardening on his property. But you’re right–we are very fortunate in this country to have so many stores that can provide us with the food we can’t grow ourselves.
A wonderfully uplifting post, and a lovely photo! I enjoyed this (and Stumbled it too)!
Smiles, Jenn @Misadventures in Motherhood
Megan (Best of Fates)
October 24, 2011What a beautiful, thoughtful post. It makes me wish I both had any sort of grass and was not lazy enough to have a garden!
October 24, 2011I love the photos you post, This is a good one. And yes.. you are very blessed. Tis always good to remind ourselves we are because it is so easily to forget if we get buried under life’s piles. You have a good eye.
October 22, 2011Hi Susan~ Isn’t it nice that at least when we are given small amounts, we can revel in the quality, not the quantity~
Susan Kane
October 22, 2011Like you, my tomato crop was dismal. It was so very hot and dry down here in San Diego County. But the ones I got were great!
We are blessed to have such abundance.