Old Growth: Towering Redwoods and the Family Tree

Posted on August 6, 2011 by

We depart sunny Miranda early on this July morning.  40 parents, grandparents, children, aunts, uncles and cousins squeezing into a parade of wagons, hybrids and SUVs.  As we enter the Avenue, a canopy slowly begins to grow over us.  The sunlight dims and our car instantly becomes neighbors with the towering trees hugging the road.  Past Rockefeller Grove, the Founder’s Tree, and the beauty of the Eel River, we travel deeper along route 254 into the Humboldt Redwoods State Park.  One after another, the massive posts from times before swish by as we creep towards our destination.  The line of cars, carrying generations of family, pull off the highway and we spill out into the forest.

The Winifred Brown Bell Grove, along the Avenue of the Giants, is a turnoff like many others along the road.  Noted by the standard California State Park brown and gold lettered sign, we park and douse ourselves with bug spray to guard off the mosquitoes bound to exist along the way.  The 40 descendents of the Brown family gather for the required photo to document our journey to this magical space.  Children and dogs pose with anticipation, eager to scamper along the path, destination unknown and really unimportant.  It’s the journey amongst the trees that they look forward to.

As we move deeper into the grove, lush emerald green ferns replace the dirt corridor of the entrance.  Their verdant carpet encroaches on the foot space, cautioning us to tread lightly-poison oak adding another element of excitement.  The air cools, making me glad to have my warm sweatshirt.  We pause, photographing a huge tree or a massive, upturned root hosting a bevy of fern and new growth.  We caution the children again, hoping that they stay focused and on the path.  Stellar Jays announce their presence, golden butterflies dart through my line of sight.  The group spreads out, some going left on the longer loop, hoping to extend the sensory delight just a bit longer.  I can’t see my son or daughter, but I sense that they’re moving forward along the path.  Someone will be watching them.

I pause, absolutely mesmerized by the sight before me.  Where did this glory come from?  How could I not have known this existed?  How can this image remain untouched, unchanged, for centuries?  Such splendor, such lushness, such beauty, such…bigness.  Freedom.  Growth.  Awesomeness.  I am so undersized, honored to be in their presence.

I look up, and only a sliver of blue sky is visible between the towering trees.  I am small, almost insignificant in this landscape.  My children and husband catch up to me, and we pose amid the ferns, part of a larger family group yet perfectly isolated at this moment.  Like the seedlings that once began this landscape, I realize again that my offspring have immense potential.  Nothing limits them; nothing keeps them from achieving their dreams.  Their growth, nurtured by their guardian hosts, stretches before us, soaring with possibility.

What I learned at Winnie’s Grove is that growth happens.  Hosted and nurtured by our families, cautiously curious as we dash along the path of life, we all contribute to the development of our children.  Time inches along, slowly and subtly raising them to heights we may never know.   Hidden groves and untapped potential lie before them, their existence eager for exploration.

What I’m still learning is how to let go and let them wander among the giants.  They will turn left or right as they choose, hopefully remembering the path  leading back to their hosts, their strong family tree.

Jennifer Wolfe

Jennifer Wolfe, a writer-teacher-mom, is dedicated to finding the extraordinary in the ordinary moments of life by thinking deeply, loving fiercely, and teaching audaciously. Jennifer is a Google Certified Educator, Hyperdoc fanatic, and a voracious reader. Read her stories on her blog, mamawolfe, and grab free copies of her teaching and parenting resources.

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Comments: 27

  • Janaki

    October 19, 2016

    You’ve made me miss my former home in California, but you’ve also inspired me to get going with a family union of descendants that I’ve been planning with a cousin.

    • Jennifer Wolfe

      November 30, 2016

      Janaki,that’s so exciting! Where will you have your reunion?

  • bali villas

    April 16, 2012

    Those all photos are very beautiful. I am looking forward to visiting your new blog and reading about you endeavors. Everything is perfect.

    • Jennifer Wolfe

      April 17, 2012

      Thank you! I appreciate your support…hope to have some exciting stories to share with you!

  • savoryandspice

    August 10, 2011

    great post..i totally agree with you in letting go and letting them follow their path..they always find their way home…

  • Luana

    August 10, 2011

    Beautiful photos. My son just turned 13 this year, your post makes me think about how he is growing up and before I know it he will be out in the world making his own path. A reminder for me to treasure this time with him and at the same time, hoping that I’m equipping him well for his journey ahead.

    Mahalo again for visiting my blog! Blessings to you and your family 🙂

  • Kelly

    August 10, 2011

    I just received a post card in the mail yesterday from friends who visited the Redwoods. This seals it, I’ve got to go there! No doubt about it!

    You’re writing flows well and is comforting, by the way!

  • Grandma Bonnie

    August 9, 2011

    Beautiful post. I love the photos.New follower, Stopping by from VB.

  • Angela Mackey

    August 9, 2011


    Loved your story and the pictures of the redwoods. I cannot wait to visit them one day. Glad I found your site through VB.

  • Erin

    August 9, 2011

    I found you via voiceBoks. I love your blog. I’ve raised 6 kids and it never gets any easier to let them go out into the land of the giants. I loved reading your story!

  • Nan @ Playful Decor

    August 9, 2011

    Hi Jennifer, what a great trip and story! I went there as a kid and hope I can take my kids someday. Thanks for sharing!

  • Terri

    August 9, 2011

    That tree is something else, lovely commentary and photos.
    I’ll be seeing you on vB.

  • Jacqueline

    August 9, 2011

    I am officially homesick for California. What a great trip and how nice that it is with your family. Kids are truly like redwoods, the sky is the limit, but so are adults if they would stop their self limiting thoughts. Your post is very inspiring!

  • mamawolfe

    August 9, 2011

    Thank you for the comments! I’m really glad you enjoyed my attempt to share my memories of a very special place.

  • Sarah

    August 9, 2011

    I’m a new follower, and glad to come across such a peaceful, soothing blog! This post made me feel more connected with nature even as I sit in my office! Look forward to more to come!
    Sarah @ made in usa challenge

  • Erika

    August 8, 2011

    That is incredible! I’ve never been there, but I hope to someday!
    I’m a new follower from the blog hop. I hope you’ll stop by my blog too! Have a fantastic week!
    Musings From a SAHM

  • Ellie-A Little of This and a Little of That

    August 7, 2011

    Hiya I’m Ellie from A Little of This and a Little of That blog and I found you through the Wild Weekend Blog Hop. I’m now your newest follower. You have a really nice blog. If you get a minute please stop by my blog and follow back. Have a great week!

  • mamawolfe

    August 7, 2011

    Thanks for the comments, Kirsty and Monica. Redwoods are really an amazing miracle of Mother Nature…

  • Kirsty

    August 7, 2011

    Love the tree photo it really makes you feel small doesn’t it!? Absolutely stunning!
    Thank you so much for linking up!

  • mamawolfe

    August 6, 2011

    Thanks for the comment, Michael Ann. I appreciate your kind words!

  • Michael Ann

    August 6, 2011

    Lovely. I felt like I was right there with you. I wonder how people who have never seen the Redwoods, imagine such splendor? You describe it so beautifully for them and for all of us. I like how you see the world and your life through nature. Sounds like a wonderful event as well!

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