I’m really getting tired of education being a dumping ground.
I’m tired of politicians who think that money doesn’t matter – we can decrease funding for schools, freeze teacher salaries, or worse – impose salary cuts because there isn’t enough money in the budget.
I’m tired of class sizes getting larger and faith in schools getting smaller.
I’m tired of hearing about all the things teachers should do instead of hearing about all the things we actually do.
I’m tired of unpacking standards during the only free time I have in my day.
I’m tired of staying late for meetings, or eating lunch over a stack of papers.
I’m tired of ‘officials’ who get paid more than me but know less about what really goes on in the classroom.
I’m tired of thinking about everything else except the children.
What I’m NOT tired of is the children.
I’m excited to see their faces every day, looking to me for a plan.
I’m excited to help them with their challenges and watch their success unfold before our eyes.
I’m excited to show them a new book and talk about what they love.
I’m excited to laugh with them, learn with them, and send them out into the world.
I’m excited when the fire is ignited, their passion is found, and it shows.
I’m excited to teach.
That’s all.
Comments: 13
How to Create a Productive Working Relationship With Your Child’s Teacher | voiceBoks - The Voice of Parenthood
February 18, 2013[…] school years can certainly be difficult for parents and children, but by working with your child’s teacher to create a positive relationship, challenges can be overcome and success can be experienced by […]
Ellen Hohenstein
September 15, 2012exactly!
Jennifer Wolfe
September 16, 2012Kindred spirits…
September 15, 2012I can’t even imagine. You have the hardest and most under-appreciated job in the world, second only to being a mother. 🙂 I appreciate all my kid’s teachers and all they do, and after reading this, on Monday I’m going to tell them all again.
Jennifer Wolfe
September 16, 2012Leanne, your comment made my day. It would mean so much to your kid’s teachers to hear that from you! Thanks!
Michelle G
September 14, 2012I would be tired of all of the standards if I was a teacher as well. Thank you for enjoying your job in spite of all of the continued red tape, standards and _________ that you guys have to put up with!
Jennifer Wolfe
September 15, 2012Thanks, Michelle. It’s not the standards as a concept that I’m frustrated with, it is the implementation. We need to look at the human first, the standards second.
ReviewsSheROTE Pamela R
September 14, 2012couldn’t have said it better myself!! LOVE the TEACHER photo!!
Jennifer Wolfe
September 14, 2012Thank you, Pamela. I’m glad you understand!
September 14, 2012And that’s why your students love you, and your student’s parents love you, and you love your job… I’m guessing.
I see all of the hard work teachers do, and appreciate it in full. It’s nice to read your enthusiasm about the children. A new school year is always so exciting, isn’t it? I hope your year is an A+ experience for you and your classroom kiddos.
Jennifer Wolfe
September 14, 2012Thanks, Rosey. I really do love the children…I have to keep reminding myself that’s what is important, and try not to let everything else bog me down.
Michael Ann
September 12, 2012Amen!!!!!!!
Jennifer Wolfe
September 14, 2012I knew you’d get it – hope things started off smoothly for you!