My sweet husband and I have been together for just short of 30 years…it’s kind of amazing, isn’t it? We met when we were just out of high school, and have weathered life from punks to parenthood.
You don’t manage to stay with the same partner without learning a few lessons along the way – luckily, my husband is a quick learner and knows what to do to keep the romance alive. Well, I did have to school him early on…
Our never- before-shared, long-ago Valentine’s Day story is featured over on Mamalode today – click here to read my story about a time when we were very young, and Valentine’s Day meant something very different than it does now.
Comments: 8
Nadine Renee
February 14, 2015Thank you for sharing a wonderful story!
Nadine Renee recently posted…V-Day Vajay: To Have Sex or Not to Have Sex?
Jennifer Wolfe
February 15, 2015Nadine, you’re welcome. I’m glad you enjoyed it, and hope your V-Day was everything you wanted!
Amanda @ Queenofthelandoftwigsnberries
February 13, 2015Love hearing about people’s love stories!
Amanda @ Queenofthelandoftwigsnberries recently posted…Larry Gets Lost–Michael Mullin & John Skewes
Jennifer Wolfe
February 15, 2015Amanda, I do too! It’s fun to read about things we did when we were young and in love, isn’t it?
Giveaways 4 Mom
February 13, 2015Thanks for sharing your story. It was a great read.
Giveaways 4 Mom recently posted…Valentineâs Day Gift Guide
Jennifer Wolfe
February 15, 2015Thank you! I’m so happy you enjoyed reading it. Hope you have a lovely weekend!
February 13, 2015such a lovely story!
Jennifer Wolfe
February 13, 2015Thanks Missy! It was one night we will never forget!