Tag: Alternative medicine

Trusting in Tradition: Acupuncture

Posted on May 2, 2013 by

Guest post by Judy R.

Although acupuncture has been a proven method of treatment for a variety of problems for thousands of years across countless cultures, its potential is just now being recognized in the mainstream world of western medicine. Now that the research is being conducted, people can look at the actual numbers. There are dozens of reports that quantify the level of improvement in patients suffering from back pain when they are treated with acupuncture. Research published in “Focus On Alternative and Complementary Therapies” also documents the significant results that patients suffering from osteoarthritis of the knee experience through acupuncture. The evidence is mounting, and people are beginning to wake up to the realities of this form of treatment.

The list of conditions that acupuncture can significantly treat is fairly comprehensive. Everything from arthritis to asthma is treatable through the right acupuncture techniques. Patients have also sought this method of treatment for infertility, stress, chronic fatigue, and as a counter to the side effects of chemotherapy. The most common reason that people seek out an acupuncturist is for the treatment of chronic pain. In most cases, they have tried everything else that they can think of with no real results. Pooled data from people participating in research studies across the nation shows that nearly 18,000 people seeking relief from chronic pain in some form are able to obtain some degree of relief.

A large number of patients choose to use acupuncture treatments in conjunction with other conventional forms of medical treatment.Acupuncture has been shown to boost the effectiveness of some medications and aid in allowing patients to heal faster. In the case of depression and anxiety, some patients respond better to acupuncture than to large doses of medications. From severe illnesses to small issues with bodily comfort, acupuncture has been shown to play a role in providing relief. Brazilian research indicates that acupuncture procedures can alleviate heart burn and indigestion in pregnant women.

In order to achieve these kinds of results, however, people must visit a Board Certified practitioner in their area. These specialists have the training and the experience necessary to apply the treatments correctly and effectively. Because so many of the treatments tend to work well with pregnancy and the female physiology, many practitioners will specialize in women’s health. By visiting “http://www.acupuncturecure.com/,” you can further explore the possibilities that acupuncture has to offer. You can hear from a specialist, and start your life down a healthy path that is guided by natural and comprehensive caring.


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Jennifer Wolfe

Jennifer Wolfe, a writer-teacher-mom, is dedicated to finding the extraordinary in the ordinary moments of life by thinking deeply, loving fiercely, and teaching audaciously. Jennifer is a Google Certified Educator, Hyperdoc fanatic, and a voracious reader. Read her stories on her blog, mamawolfe, and grab free copies of her teaching and parenting resources.

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