Traveling in a new city can be intimidating. Add to that traveling alone, in a new state, using unfamiliar public transportation, and you have a recipe for a pretty intense experience. I’m too stubborn, though, to let a little dark get in the way of what I want.
Last night was one such experience. After dinner I headed to the metro, and introduced myself to Calvin, the friendly older gentleman in charge of the L’Enfant Metro Station at night. He couldn’t have been happier to help this California girl navigate herself around the city.
After assuring me there were ‘lots of police’ out at night, he directed me onto the ‘blue line’ towards the capitol. Upon exiting the underground stop I was astonished to be the only person within sight-and it was 8:30 p.m. on a Friday night!
Heading towards the Capitol Building I was struck by the majestic glow coming through the barren trees. The strength, beauty and majesty of our country shone brightly, and I began circling the grounds to see it from every angle. Turning, I caught a glimpse of the Washington Memorial towering high in the sky, lit up like a beacon. I began walking, sure that there would be more undiscovered beauty waiting for me along the way.
Walking the city alone, in the dark, may not be for everyone. But for me the calm and solitude of the chilly night was the perfect backdrop for the brillance I encountered. And I didn’t have to share it with anyone else-it was all for me tonight.
Are you letting something get in your way?
Comments: 19
February 27, 2012nice info, keep posting bro
visit me
Susan Kane
February 23, 2012As I have fewer years ahead of me than I have behind me, I am not letting things get in my way. I won’t ever join the ‘Polar Bear Club’, but I am this close…
Jennifer Wolfe
February 23, 2012Ooh, I like that spunk! But the Polar Bear Club…brrr. Not for me!
Mommy LaDy Club
February 22, 2012I love D.C.! So much to see and absorb. It’s been awhile, and I’d love to go back again. Enjoy!
Teaming together for blog performance!
Jennifer Wolfe
February 23, 2012Hi Courtney,
That’s so true! I left feeling like I had only scratched the surface!
February 22, 2012Dear Jennifer,
Yes, I am letting something get in my way–my fear of buying a house at my age. An age–when others are selling theirs and settling into a condo. But no condo will allow three cats and I’m not me without Maggie, Ellie, and Matthew.
Jennifer Wolfe
February 23, 2012Dee, you are a woman with a clear vision. I know the right decision will come to you.
February 21, 2012Is that a trick question? My current ‘in the way thought’ getting over the fear of the rejection letters that will surely come my way when I start submitting query letters to agents. I know this is part of the process but… it doesn’t mean it’s easy on this writer’s heart. Great picture, btw.
Jennifer Wolfe
February 22, 2012Ooh, that’s a good one to get in your way. It’s scary , I know. You’re so strong and awesome, though, that I know you’ll make it through.
My Inner Chick
February 20, 2012Mama,
I love that you did that.
What empowerment & freedom you must have felt.
And in Washington DC. How apt. Xx
Jennifer Wolfe
February 22, 2012Thanks, Kim. It did feel great to be wandering on my own…I completely enjoyed myself.
February 20, 2012Hey! I really enjoyed meeting you this past weekend at the TGC symposium in DC. I hope you had a great time and are ready to travel! I also want to let you know that I enjoy reading your blog and want to share a blogging award with you that will hopefully motivate us to continue blogging about our respective travel experiences. I awoke this morning to see that someone had passed on the Liebster Blog Award to me and a requirement of this award is to recognize other “favorite” blogs. You’re it! Congratulations!
Jennifer Wolfe
February 22, 2012Thanks, Aaron! It was great to meet you, too, and I appreciate the award very much!
Jennifer Wolfe
February 20, 2012Kathy, I did have a great time. It feels like I only scratched the surface, though!
Kathy Radigan
February 20, 2012Washington DC is one of my favorite places! It might be the New Yorker in me, but I still get a little uncomfortable walking at night alone, although it is beautiful! Last year I had the fun of tagging along on a business trip to Washington DC with my husband, while he worked I did the tourist thing. I had a ball! Enjoy!!!
The Pepperrific Life
February 19, 2012I find a certain peace when walking in the dark alone too. You don’t get that everyday, with all the hustle and bustle of life. You are a brave woman, venturing out there alone 🙂
Jennifer Wolfe
February 20, 2012Thanks, Pepper. It was really fun!
February 19, 2012Sweet
see my site
February 19, 2012nice info, keep posting
visit me