Sometimes I just feel old. The world doesn’t seem to view me with the same lens I do as I look out into it. The outside package doesn’t look too bad- not much grey, the wrinkles haven’t yet developed into deep chasms, and I can still get around pretty fast in four-inch platforms. I know the latest text lingo, can probably name the top 10 pop artists, and am pretty darn savvy with social media. Occasionally, I can even still party like a rock star.
Last night was a different story. Maybe it had something to do with the gardening I did all day, or overdoing it on the treadmill-no denying the body doesn’t respond the way it used to. Perhaps it was the fact that I actually had to think about the supervision of my kids before I could head out on a Saturday night-that’s what grownups do, right?
Most likely, though, what it came down to was the Apple Store.
Firstly, going to the Apple Store involves driving to the mall. That part doesn’t make me feel so old-there are many people much more advanced in age than I am strolling around malls. Just not on a Saturday night. At 8 p.m. there are only young people in the mall. Most of the stroller crowd has headed home, and the parents with elementary school age kids have long headed towards the sanity of their own four walls. On a Saturday night, there are a few ‘date night’ folks like me, and just a whole lot of young adults ‘hangin’out’.
I don’t spend a whole lot of time in malls –hardly ever – but when I do go, it’s for a purpose. Like shopping for something specific. I have no interest-I never have, really, for getting all dressed up to walk in circles watching other people watch me. Seems like a waste of time.
So as we navigated past the posers strutting around with their hands on their crotches looking like they just walked off the set of their latest music video, I got edgy. Walking into the Apple Store swarming with folks trying out the newest gadgets made me downright anxious. I would have been fine with turning around and heading out, but we had a purpose: we enrolled in the ‘Advanced iPhone’ class, and it was ready to begin. Just enrolling in the class means I’m old, right?
The cheerful instructor casually placed the black folding chairs in the center of the store, motioned us to plop down beside her and began her lesson. Alongside us were three other women, obviously MUCH more senior than I was, all equally eager to learn how to operate their smart phones.
Am I really that ancient?
I have to hand it to our instructor-she didn’t blink an eye when asked about contacts, calendars and finding our phone number. When she started getting into more complex parts, the questions began rolling right in, and still she didn’t roll her eyes or look at her students like the idiots we must have seemed like to her.
I could feel my hair turning grey and the wrinkles deepening as she spoke. I realized I was surely old enough to be her mother, and wondered how that could have happened. Then she started talking about her dad, and how he loves to face-time (is that a verb?) with her, sending photos of their dogs. Is that what she thinks I do, too? Ack!
When satisfied we knew all about face time, iCloud and Siri, we hustled out the door and found the nearest chairs.
“Wow, that was over my head. Want to get some dinner?” my husband asked.
“Sure,” I replied. “Let’s ask Siri where to go!”
“That’s too complicated,” he responded. “Let’s just look at a map.”
Maybe they’re right. Maybe we are that old. Do you think Siri will know the answer to that question if I ask?
I bet there’s a few things I could teach her, too.
Comments: 19
The Pepperrific Life
June 1, 2012I’ve never heard of Siri until now :). I do have a lot to learn about iPhones.
Oh I’m just like you, I go to malls only for the purpose of buying something. I hate walking around aimlessly… makes me feel vulnerable.
May 31, 2012This made me smile. 🙂 Lucky for me, I’m married to a tech wiz, app developer, so I have my hubby to explain/teach everything to me. I feel old when I’m usually the oldest mom at classroom functions (I didn’t have my son till I was almost 38). sigh.
Jennifer Wolfe
June 1, 2012Donna, that does sound lucky, but it reminds me of having my musician husband trying to teach me guitar…it doesn’t always work so well with the one you love. Older moms rock!
The Budget Diet
May 31, 2012SO TRUE! I don’t know if I’ve ever seen an Apple employee over 30!
Jennifer Wolfe
June 1, 2012I think that is the very sad truth of it all…maybe we should revolt and apply for jobs there to teach our generation!
Shannon Milholland
May 31, 2012Too funny! I think we all feel old sometimes. I must admit I share clothes with my teens (something I swore I’d never do) but they dress very conservatively and we share both ways.
Jennifer Wolfe
June 1, 2012Shannon, that’s great! My daughter is a bit taller, and I’m a bit rounder, but we do have a few items to share…she likes my shoes, to be sure!
May 31, 2012My grandfather, until the day he died, was an avid Apple fan (even buying the latest macbook when he was in pallative care). Remember him always going to these classes! (Ooops, probably doesn’t make you feel any younger, sorry! 🙂
Warmest regards,
Jennifer Wolfe
June 1, 2012No, Joy, it doesn’t :). It must have been cool to have such a hip grandfather! My husband’s 91 year old grandmother has an iPhone, and every time my kids visit they teach her all over again!
Kenya G. Johnson
May 31, 2012LOL!! I will admit that I laughed out loud to Advanced iphone class. I never heard of such a thing but that’s good. I’m not up on the Siri technology, I have the previous model. I love technology. I just wish I could afford to keep up with it every time it changes.
Jennifer Wolfe
June 1, 2012Thanks, Kenya :). You’d be amazed at the classes Apple offers… it’s quite an industry, to be sure.
Michael Ann
May 30, 2012ha ha, oh thank you for this! I don’t feel so alone….AND, I still don’t have an iphone!
Jennifer Wolfe
June 1, 2012You are such a rebel, Michael Ann! I cannot wait til the day you succumb!
My Inner Chick
May 30, 2012~~Mama W.
I agree. I just found out who Siri was recently. (( DUH )))
Hell, I thought my husband was having an affair or something! Haa.
Jennifer Wolfe
June 1, 2012No kidding! She’s a feisty one, too-look out!
May 30, 2012Great post! I am about to turn 40, and every time I darken the door of the Apple store I feel like I’m in an alternate universe – where only the people in blue (or whatever the color du jour is) have the answers. It’s like going to Oz except the “man” isn’t behind the curtain, and you’d be an idiot not to pay very close attention to him. I know how my mom must feel as I lament/disdain? her inability to buy anything online. And I think of myself as reasonably savvy with my I-stuff but I become all thumbs (not in a good way) when I’m there. Sigh.
Jennifer Wolfe
June 1, 2012Thanks, Keesha. Couldn’t agree more…I get the shakes when I have to go in there, too!
David C. Burton
May 30, 2012I’ve not learned the “art” of Siri yet, but I do love my iPhone…and I’m already practicing using my Google Translate app for use in Indonesia 🙂
Jennifer Wolfe
June 1, 2012That’s cool, David! I haven’t decided what to do about the trip…actually, I did buy an Indonesian phrase book!