My girl’s idea of a perfect summer day
Starts in the dark, before dawn
waking up in a narrow dorm bed under well-worn covers
stumbling across the tiny room to quiet a blaring alarm
and gulping down a quick bowl of cold cereal with milk.
My girl’s idea of a perfect summer day
doesn’t involve a plan for cruising the air conditioned shopping mall
tanning by the pool in a teeny tiny bikini
or a mani-pedi with girlfriends, chatting about the latest celebrity gossip
My girl would rather pull on her red and black speed suit
knee high magenta and orange wool socks
slather her freckled face with sunscreen, hair in a messy braid
throw her pack on her back and grab her Volkls
My girl’s idea of a perfect summer day
isn’t like mine was, playing jacks on the cold linoleum kitchen floor
reading Nancy Drew in the soft grass
or dominating the world at RISK
She’s climbing high above the clouds
looking out from the edge of her world
hoping for sixty seconds of air time as she zigzags down the snowfield
wind brushing her face, bright blue eyes shining behind pink goggles
golden brown braid blowing in the wind
My girl’s idea of a perfect summer day
fills both our hearts with happiness
and gratitude
What does your perfect summer day look like?
Comments: 16
travel with mamawolfe: Relax at the Roman Spa Hot Springs Resort in Calistoga - mamawolfe
July 27, 2014[…] A Perfect Summer Day […]
Missing Those Days With Her - mamawolfe
July 18, 2014[…] missing those days with her when baking cookies, braiding hair and reading Curious George meant a perfect day, and tucking her in at night was the perfect evening. I’m missing those days with her, those […]
What Else Does A Woman Need To Be Happy? - mamawolfe
July 10, 2013[…] A Perfect Summer Day […]
cranky old man
July 1, 2013That would have ben a perfect summer or winter day for me 40 years ago. TOok my son skiing this winter nd h had to help me to snap on my boots…I figure it is time to hang up my skis.
cranky old man recently posted…WHILE YOU’RE UP – a Cranky re-run
Jennifer Wolfe
July 1, 2013Oh dear…those darn boots are such a drag, aren’t they? I hope once you were going you had fun-it’s such a great family sport! Of course, there is NO WAY I can keep up with my kids – they are far out of my league now! Thanks so much for commenting today! – Jennifer
Double Delight of Beauty and Friendship - mamawolfe
June 28, 2013[…] A Perfect Summer Day […]
Amand Sharpe
June 27, 2013I love this post, Jennifer!! I look forward to the day when I can discover what will make my child’s perfect summer day. 🙂
Amand Sharpe recently posted…Joomla to SchoolLoop: a Saga of CMSs
Jennifer Wolfe
June 27, 2013Thank you, Amanda. I look forward to knowing you when you discover your child’s perfect day…it’s the best thing ever! Thanks for commenting today!
My Inner Chick
June 20, 2013You Inspire, Mama. Xx
My Inner Chick recently posted…Murder, Therapy, & Walking Thru The Fire
Jennifer Wolfe
June 24, 2013Thank you, my dear. Same to you, same to you.
June 19, 2013So beautifully written, Jennifer! I hope that my Sophia grows up the same way…. Inspiring! 🙂
Sara recently posted…Picnic Favorites
Jennifer Wolfe
June 19, 2013Thank you, Sara. As hard as it is watching her grow up and away from me, it’s painfully lovely to watch her discover herself and find her own joys in life. The definite BEST part of parenting! Thanks for commenting today! -Jennifer
Michael Ann
June 19, 2013This was lovely. The words so poetic. How nice for your daughter to be able to see this too, and know that mom SEES her as and celebrates her for who she is. Great photos too!
Jennifer Wolfe
June 19, 2013Michael Ann, thank you. I’m so happy that he has found a place she loves, and grateful that she can shake off the stressors of life and school in such a healthy way! Have to give credit to her friend for the photos-he did a great job! Thanks for your comment-it means a lot! -Jennifer
Dawn Wink
June 18, 2013LOVE this. Here’s to all of the moms and daughters who create their own authentic paths! Beautifully written, mamawolfe!
Jennifer Wolfe
June 18, 2013Oh thank you, my dear. There’s really nothing better to me than seeing my girl so very happy with what she’s doing. Makes being away from her just a tiny bit easier, and makes the anticipation of what’s to come in her life fill me up with excitement!