What If Books Were A Magic Potion?

Posted on October 6, 2015 by

What if books were a magic potion? What if you could walk into a room, and just sense the book that you needed to pull off the shelf? What if, when you were standing there, gazing at the spines and judging the covers, you could just feel the book calling to you?

Just imagine the power – if suddenly we turned to books to solve our problems. No more scanning Facebook for reassurance that we were parenting our children correctly. No more tuning into reality TV or talk shows to hear the experts tell us we’re right – or wrong. Imagine the smugness that would wipe off of our faces if we realized that all those faces, all those voices streaming through the internet, were just empty.

And what if, when we were feeling particularly down, the perfect book would fly into our outstretched hands and land with a soft thud? What if we, upon gently perusing the cover, decided to open to the first page, inhale, and hold our breath until the page was ready to turn?

I can think of the magic that could happen if I could suddenly find the answers I’ve been looking for inside the pages of a musty, gold-edged leather bound book. I can feel the giddiness rising up inside me when the words pelt off the page and into my heart, filling it with everything it has been searching for. And I can imagine the tears, the sobs of sorrow when, upon turning the last page, I realize that sadly, the solution I had been searching for was missing.

Can’t you just imagine the glory to be found when your toddler, unknowingly, teethes her favorite board book to shreds and simultaneously ingests the knowledge for her future? The bits and pieces of cardboard and color and text, surging forward and transforming into the life lessons we so hopefully wish she will learn, digested and consumed.

And teenagers – imagine the power. Downing words from vampires and dystopias and the Civil War? The power of the written word, the image on paper, would supercede any texting or Snapchatting or technology. What if parents were able to secretly select books just to share the messages they treasure, creating an underground cult of language and stories and thought?

What if books were a magic potion? Do you think we’d take a second look at what we’re reading? Do you think that books, real paper and print and gloss-covered books, would ever die? Would you take a sip?

Disclosure: This post was inspired by the novel The Little Paris Bookshop by Nina George, where Monsieur Perdu–a literary apothecary–finally searches for the woman who left him many years ago.. Join From Left to Write on October 8th as we discuss The Little Paris Bookshop. As a member, I received a copy of the book for review purposes.
photo credit: Le Jour ni l’Heure 5709 : Paul Cézanne, 1839-1906, portrait de Gustave Geffroy, 1885-1886, dét., musée d’Orsay, Paris, jeudi 14 mai 2015, 20:43:36 via photopin (license)

Jennifer Wolfe

Jennifer Wolfe, a writer-teacher-mom, is dedicated to finding the extraordinary in the ordinary moments of life by thinking deeply, loving fiercely, and teaching audaciously. Jennifer is a Google Certified Educator, Hyperdoc fanatic, and a voracious reader. Read her stories on her blog, mamawolfe, and grab free copies of her teaching and parenting resources.

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Comments: 19

  • Louise

    July 18, 2016

    Your cranium must be prtcoteing some very valuable brains.

    • Jennifer Wolfe

      October 14, 2015

      Kristen, I so know that feeling of not wanting it to end- sadly/happily I have a huge stack of books just waiting to be read!

    • Jennifer Wolfe

      October 11, 2015

      Carrie, I’m so picky about what I read…I have these moments when I just gaze at the stacks of ‘to be read’ books on my shelf, and try to see which title calls to me. Sorta hooey-wooey, I know, but I do believe so strongly that the right book can make such a difference in my life. So happy to have you stopping by – love fellow readers!

  • Jennifer

    October 10, 2015

    I would take a huge gulp! I love books and it kills me that my children are all wrapped up in their technology. They do like audiobooks, but sometimes, audiobooks are not enough, sometimes you need to center yourself and concentrate, that’s what books do for me.
    Jennifer recently posted…Chasing my muse.My Profile

    • Jennifer Wolfe

      October 11, 2015

      I’m with you, Jennifer! Huge, big, slurpy gulps! I have to say, though, that my son found complete ‘zen’ and relaxation/concentration while listening to Harry Potter audio books – we had read them aloud, and he was too young to read them himself, but he spent HOURS playing in his room and listening to the stories. I say, whatever form they can ingest the magic potion is fine with me. So happy to hear from you!

    • Jennifer Wolfe

      October 8, 2015

      Mine, too, my friend. Kindred spirits. xoxo

  • Farrah

    October 8, 2015

    My goodness, I wish books really could do that (having the perfect book fly over and land at my feet when I was feeling down, in need of inspiration, a good pep talk, a great story…). Finding them on my own would be awesome, but sometimes I don’t know what it is that I need the most/am really looking for! 😛
    Farrah recently posted…Chocolate Recipe RoundupMy Profile

    • Jennifer Wolfe

      October 8, 2015

      Farrah, I’m going to guess that even if you don’t know what you’re looking for, the right thing will find you. Life has a funny way of working out like that. Thanks for commenting, I really appreciate it!

    • Jennifer Wolfe

      October 8, 2015

      Kim, I think you’d take a big gulp! You amaze me with your voracious consumption of the written word!

    • Jennifer Wolfe

      October 8, 2015

      Kate, you got me – I’m a middle school teacher, and it’s always a bit of magic to get reluctant readers to believe in the magic of books. I keep trying! Thanks for stopping by…

  • Heidi BK Sloss

    October 6, 2015

    I actually do think of books as magic potions, some more potent than others. On occasion I put a book down because I can’t finish it, but mostly I finish them and find I get something from them, if only some distraction or entertainment. Although since I have been keeping lists of books I want to read, I usually start what I finish and find something useful from most of the books I read. I thought the idea of this book: that books have the power to heal and transform but that they are not a substitute for actually living very comforting.
    Heidi BK Sloss recently posted…The Book Prescriber is in!My Profile

    • Jennifer Wolfe

      October 8, 2015

      Heidi, I agree. I just love it when I have that deep connection with a book. I can’t imagine a world without it!

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