Her face is turned toward the window, nestled on a deep feather pillow. Long dark lashes flutter as I kiss her cheek, brushing back soft strands of hair from her forehead. It is dark out, yet she will rise and greet another day.
His face is face up, eyes closed, arms thrown back over his head in the same position as when he slept as an infant. I reach down to kiss the sweet spot between his jaw and neck, and he groans and pulls the covers tighter. It is dark out, yet he will rise and greet another day.
Sleepily she pads downstairs, honey colored hair still in a messy braid. Too early to eat, she sips cold orange juice as she pulls on long underwear and ski socks. It is dark out, yet she will go and meet another day.
Groggily he pulls on his fuzzy black and white skull patterned bathrobe and gulps down fresh water. He trods down the stairs, too full of chatter for such an early start. It is dark out, yet he will go and meet another day.
She dresses quickly yet deliberately. No worries about appearances, she thinks only of the snow that awaits her. It is cold out, yet she will be brave and face another day.
He pulls on his layers, sweet grapefruit juice dribbling down his chin. Thinking only of the countdown to Christmas, he hugs me in anticipation. It is cold out, yet he will be brave and face another day.
Methodically she unscrews her ski helmet face bar in the dark lodge, preparing for the morning workout ahead of her. Layer upon layer upon layer she bundles up and heads towards the lift, tousled braid whipping in the wind. It is dawn out, and she gets to have another day.
Slowly he prepares for the snow, insisting on doing it alone. His fuzzy brown head disappears beneath a royal blue helmet and goggles, contrasting the lime green and black of his jacket. We kiss goodbye, my assurance I will be waiting for him when he returns. It is dawn out, and he gets to have another day.
Yet as I sit by the window watching the sun crest the snow-covered hills, I cry for the mother and child who are apart, who will never feel their arms around each other again, and who cannot brush away each other’s tears.
It is bright out, and I get to have another day.
Comments: 24
December 29, 2011Susan, thank you. It’s been a hard few weeks trying to work through all this…here’s more:
Susan Kane
December 29, 2011Such tender writing, and such grief. I do not know this event, but can see it in my mind. My prayers go to all whose lives were hit hard by the death of such a precious child. Susan
December 29, 2011Rosann-thank you. I think we all should remember how precious every day is with our children.
Hi Anne-your words and prayers are appreciated
Sharon-thank you for your prayers…I know they hear them.
Cynthia-I hope you hugged your son extra tight tonight!
Life by Cynthia
December 28, 2011My heart aches. Your writing is beautiful…I am adding my thoughts & prayers as well. After reading this I fought back tears, Now all I want is to go home to be with my son.
December 28, 2011Wow…I’m so crying. That was beautifully written and I ache for the child and family. Prayers, lot of prayers for everyone
December 28, 2011Mamawolfe – Yes, I hope these words along with prayers of many are enough to console the family.
December 28, 2011This is written so beautifully. So sorry to hear of the loss which your heart is breaking for. I cannot even imagine the horror of losing a child. Praying for the family of this young child and taking extra time to hug my girls this gifted day. 🙂
~Hugs to you,
December 28, 2011Elisabeth-thank you. This has been a very sad few weeks for our ski racing families.
Tara-I’m sorry for the loss in your family. I know people survive the death of a child every day, but for me it’s unthinkable.
December 27, 2011This post is beautiful. My heart aches for all those parents as well. My grandfather just lost his daughter (my aunt) earlier this month. As a parent I can’t imagine…
Elisabeth Hirsch
December 27, 2011You wrote this beautifully.
It’s so sad, though. Makes me appreciate what I have.
December 26, 2011Hi Mommy LaDy- Thank you. It was truly a tragedy.
Hi Nancy- I couldn’t agree more. I’ve shed many tears for this family.
Nancy @ A Rural Journal
December 26, 2011It’s never easy to experience a loss like this, but around the holidays makes it especially difficult.
Mommy LaDy Club
December 24, 2011This is so well written. I’m so sorry to hear of this family’s loss.
December 24, 2011Hi Agent-It is very tragic. We lost a little 7 year old ski racer last weekend. It’s so hard to understand.
Hi Inner Chick- I know you live this every day. Sending love.
Hi Blonde-thank you. I hug my children every day…
Anne-I don’t know how a mother can survive this. I hope all these words are reaching her through the universe.
December 24, 2011What beautiful writing. I don’t know who this is about too but loosing someone is an excruciating. And there’s nothing we can do but survive it.
The Organic Blonde
December 24, 2011What a touching, tragic story. I wish all who is touched by this peace and acceptance. Christmas time is never a good time to lose someone but really, when is a good time? You are all in my prayers.
My Inner Chick
December 24, 2011—-Believe me, I have LOTS of questions for God.
I used to wonder how people survived, got up in the morning, went on living…
I used to wonder….
Now I’m doing it. And I despise it.
SO sorry to read about this tragic news. Thinking about you today. Xx
Not Your Ordinary Agent
December 24, 2011I feel terrible that I don’t know who this is about, but it’s sounds like a tragic story. I feel lucky every day to spend time with my kids. My husband lost a brother, which leaves his parents without one of their children… a horrible experience we should never have to go through. Thinking of you during this time of loss and holiday season.
December 23, 2011Hi Liz-explaining the unexplainable..I can’t imagine that either.
Hi Jodi-thank you-mother love is the strongest love of all.
Pamela-thanks for stopping in
Pamela Rote
December 23, 2011Stopping in with vB
Jodi Aman
December 23, 2011it’s a beautiful testimony to a loving family.
December 23, 2011puts christmas gifts into perspective…so very very sad, they interviewed doug johnson’s kids on the news, poor little guy was his best friend. not sure how you explain it to a 7 year old
December 23, 2011Hi MA- it has been a really hard week. This loss hit really close to home. I cannot comprehend such tragedy.
Michael Ann
December 22, 2011It is so sad…I’ve been thinking about since I first heard yesterday. I was thinking of you too, and wondering how you took this news. Did you know him? I don’t understand life sometimes…