June was a month of emotion, a month where I saw the end of eras. June was a month of spontaneous tears, trickles of emotion both quiet and forceful. It was a month of smiles, and hugs, and goodbyes. June was a month of mercurial emotion, a month I searched for and found gratitude over and over again.
My Best June:
Best Quotes:
Looking back on my Twitter feed (where I regularly post #quoteoftheday), I noticed my tweets fall into two categories: those for me to pay attention to, and those for my children to pay attention to. Can you tell which is which? Oh-the last one is my favorite 🙂
“It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.”~Antoine de Saint-ExupĂ©ry
“Many people lose the small joys in the hope for the big happiness.” -Pearl S. Buck
“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.”-Eleanor Roosevelt
“Meditate. Live purely. Be quiet. Do your work with mastery. Like the moon, come out from behind the clouds! Shine.” -Buddha
“If you find in your heart to care for somebody else, you will have succeeded.” ~Maya Angelou
“Refuse to settle where you are. There is a great plan for your life. Press forward and become everything that you were created to be.” – Joel Osteen
“I have accepted fear as part of life,specifically the fear of change.I have gone ahead despite the pounding in the heart that says turn back.” -Erica Jong
“All the art of living lies in a fine mingling of letting go and holding on.”-Havelock Ellis
“Mom, I don’t twerk” – Lily Wolfe
Best Compliment:
I wish I could remember exactly who said this to me…the one compliment that stood out the most this month – and I’m not even sure that the person meant it as a compliment – was that I’ve raised a ‘gutsy’ girl. I love that. When she was born, I was determined that she wouldn’t follow in my ‘shy girl’ footsteps….and she hasn’t. I’m proud to have raised a girl who is confident, adventurous, and trusts her ‘guts’ to try new experiences in life (like getting a Class 2 bus driving license!). You go, girl!
Best Recent Read:
I did NOT want this book to end…and was amazed that I hadn’t read it before! These Is My Words is the story of Sarah Prine, the author’s grandmother-with a  bit of historical fiction thrown in,too. Like my friend Dawn Wink’s novel, Meadowlark, These Is My Words tells a love story of Sarah Prine and her challenges as a strong woman in the Arizona Territories. I was captured in the plot, and fell in love with Jack Elliot alongside Sarah! Lucky for me – and for all other lovers of Turner’s story – this is only the beginning of a three-part series! I’m reading Sarah’s Quilt right now…I’d love to see what you’re reading, too – click here to follow me on Goodreads.
Best Way to Unwind:
When he was little, he used to love taking walks with me. We went all over town, usually with a tote bag to collect treasures. I miss those days. Deep gratitude for every single second together.
Best Photos:
Best Selfie:
Best Friends:
So much emotion this month as I watched girls who have been friends since primary grades finally graduate together. In these days of ‘mean girls’ and ‘girl drama’, I feel so grateful that my girl has such amazing young women in her life. True friendship is never to be taken for granted.
Best Recipes:
Yes, these were as good as they look, and yes, I made the meatballs from scratch. My girl and I love watching Giada, and when we saw this recipe we knew we needed to throw a meatball party to celebrate her 18th birthday, so that’s exactly what we did! They were a HUGE hit!
Seriously, these are the BEST bites I’ve had in a very long time…chocolate honey tartlets with a graham cracker crust. Giada again-yep, we served them at her meatball party, then made them again for her graduation party, and ONE MORE TIME for a friend’s rehearsal dinner. They’re that good, and easier than you might think.
Best View:
This summer I’m staying put on the west coast, and to start off my summer adventures I traveled to Santa Rosa for a friend’s wedding. After the festivities concluded, I slipped away for an early morning walk. Our drought may leave the fields golden instead of green, but beautiful nonetheless.
Best Moments:
I’ve written volumes this month about all the emotion I feel surrounding my girl’s graduation, growing up, and going away to college. This moment almost didn’t happen; the girls were struggling to find each other after the ceremony, but their determination to capture their joy and friendship conquered and while we were one of the last to leave the field, they made it happen. Deep gratitude right here.
My AVID students worked over half the year to get this bench built; it began with learning about ocean gyres and recycling, then turned to stuffing plastic bottles with non-recyclable plastic, and ended with days of hard labor and sweat to get this earth  bench completed before the end of the school year. This project not only taught them about how to care for our world, but also how to work hard and be proud of their finished product. I saw some kids shine in ways I didn’t think possible…I’m not sure they know how very proud I am of them.
A simple decoration for the graduation party, but so full of magical moments. How lucky am I to have been blessed with these wonderful children.
Dear reader, what word best describes your month of June? Wishing you great possibilities in July – and as always, thank you for supporting mamawolfe. I’d love to connect with you on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook, too!
Comments: 5
What To Say When Your Child Leaves For College - mamawolfe
August 15, 2017[…] My Best Life, June, 2014: A Month of Emotion […]
My Year In Books: Top Ten Titles of 2014 - mamawolfe
January 2, 2016[…] These Is My Words/Sarah’s Quilt/The Star Garden by Nancy Turner […]
A Year of Change And Possibilities: May, June, July, August 2014 - mamawolfe
February 5, 2015[…] Lily’s graduation […]
My Inner Chick
July 2, 2014LOVE this entire post.
The photos. Quotes–especially the one about JUNE! The selfies. The recipe. Brene Brown…
& YOU! x Excellent.
Jennifer Wolfe
July 2, 2014Kim – you make me smile…you MUST try those recipes-I know you love your chocolate! Isn’t Brene the best? Makes me think. Hard. Thank you!