what do you get
when you stand up
for yourself?
or regrets?
what do you get
when you sit up
and speak your mind?
or regrets?
what do you get
when you shout out
and say your truth?
or regrets?
I get a little of this
and sometimes
a whole lot of nothing
when I stand up
sit up
shout out
I get it-do you?
shut up
and stay
the same
you’ve always been
Comments: 16
Ellen Hohenstein
June 14, 2012keep speaking up!
Jennifer Wolfe
June 17, 2012Ellen, I intend to!
My Inner Chick
June 13, 2012Ooo, Mama W.
after Kay’s murder…I STAND UP. I will never sit down. I shall NEVER be silent. Of course, I’m talking about domestic violence, verbal, emotional…
I wish I would have STOOD UP before.
As always… Great Substance & Depth. Xx
Jennifer Wolfe
June 17, 2012Excellent. Your words speak so clearly of your love for your sister and your passion for justice. I believe we must use our voices to speak out, or we are merely silent supporters.
June 13, 2012Loved the presentation and the word play here.. the words and sentiment carry weight, but what worked for me is how you set it up.
Jennifer Wolfe
June 17, 2012Thank you, Brenda. I appreciate the feedback from someone who I admire!
Shannon Milholland
June 13, 2012“Stay the same as you’ve always been.” This is a really great thought. There is definitely wisdom in knowing when to speak and when to keep silent but harnessing the boldness to speak when prompted by God catapults as forward in our relationship with Him. Thanks for this!
Jennifer Wolfe
June 17, 2012Thanks, Shannon. I believe silence is important at times, but I fear that too many people stay silent out of fear. Justice cannot happen unless the truth is told.
June 13, 2012For me I have a big mouth, but when I need to use it I am quiet!
Jennifer Wolfe
June 13, 2012Pamela, I do think it’s important to know when to speak, and when to whisper.
June 13, 2012We are all on a similar thread – the idea of speaking up for yourself (or others). Is it better to let it go, or to let your feelings be heard? Which shows more depth, which makes you a bigger person? In my older age I am speaking up when others upset me, and certainly if my family or home feels attacked. Hopefully I’ll soon find the balance.
Jennifer Wolfe
June 13, 2012Keesha, I agree that with age I am able to speak up more-not sure if it is the life experience giving me the confidence, or the knowledge that I will regret not speaking up in light of injustice.
Kenya G. Johnson
June 12, 2012For the most part I am quiet and regret not saying something. But often times I should have said anything anyway. So I guess sometimes my silence is effective.
Jennifer Wolfe
June 13, 2012Kenya, I do think sometimes silence is effective, and definitely when someone speaks without thinking, silence is better. But to sit back and be silent in the face of wrongdoing makes me feel guilty.
Karen Dawkins
June 12, 2012Thought provoking.
Sometimes, does silence do more than a shout?
Jennifer Wolfe
June 13, 2012Sometimes it does. But when I feel an injustice happening, I don’t want to be a silent bystander. To me, that is condoning the activity.