What Would You Do If You Were Guaranteed Success?

Posted on April 20, 2015 by

What would you do if you were guaranteed success?

Would your life be very different from the way it is now?


If I were guaranteed success….

I would create the perfect cup – or cups – of coffee, deliberately grinding the beans,

hovering over the red kettle as it rises to just before a boil,

grab it, and pour with gusto.


I’d exuberantly throw open the windows, welcoming the morning birdsong from my upstairs desk,

pull the blanket over my lap and scribble my thoughts with my cherished black pen,

and the words would fall into place…


You’d see me wearing the slightly higher heeled boots with black tights,

not worrying about being on my feet all day

or if I could gracefully ride my bike to work.


If I were guaranteed success…

I would call and text her every morning and each night

just to check in and see what life is like so far away,

and send her a few dollars for fresh fruit.


I would zip up my ski parka and snap into my bindings,

jump into the race course and fly down the hill-

my smile blinding the spectators on the sidelines…


then go home to create the perfect tiramisu for her birthday party,

not buying any ingredients  fat-free, sugarless or on sale,

and sit by her side savoring every exquisite bite.


If I were guaranteed success…

I would find a way to make a living

that doesn’t trade time and flexibility for income,

and no grouchy, uptight parents would tell me how to do it.


I’d buy a fast laptop

lock myself high up in the mountains or on a seaside cliff,

turning pictures into words, memories into stories

smiling broadly every morning….


opening the chest of love letters from long ago,

letting the words and memories pour into my heart-

dripping through my veins and onto a page

for you to read.


Jennifer Wolfe

Jennifer Wolfe, a writer-teacher-mom, is dedicated to finding the extraordinary in the ordinary moments of life by thinking deeply, loving fiercely, and teaching audaciously. Jennifer is a Google Certified Educator, Hyperdoc fanatic, and a voracious reader. Read her stories on her blog, mamawolfe, and grab free copies of her teaching and parenting resources.

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Comments: 9

  • Mark Bear

    March 16, 2018

    CYcling is a great exercise. This is a really helpful article for me hopefully as well as it will help me to get a healthy life.

  • Tupu69

    October 2, 2017

    Admirable!!! Such an amazing post with bunch of touching pics. Thanks a lot for sharing your moments and thoughts. Looking forward for more.

  • Ayse

    April 27, 2015

    I would travel and travel… I would still do the same work, but from anywhere I want and incorporate my travel experiences into my work while answering some epidemiological questions.. 🙂

    • Jennifer Wolfe

      April 27, 2015

      Oh I so agree! Travel and learn and teach and help ensure all people have access to education- a dream!

  • Schlatter

    April 20, 2015

    I love this on so many levels. I am working on mine now. Thanks for inspiring me.

    • Jennifer Wolfe

      April 21, 2015

      You are so welcome…moms helping moms, friends supporting friends. xoxox

    • Niki

      April 27, 2015

      Oh, wow. This is wonderful!

      • Jennifer Wolfe

        April 27, 2015

        Thank you! I believe if you can name it, if you can imagine it, you can create it. Let’s go!

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