Category: Parenting

Justin Cox: A First Time Dad We’re Having A Baby!

Posted on March 27, 2012 by

There are moments in life that never seem to leave our memories.  For newlyweds, finding out about a pregnancy is one of the most incredible experiences there is.  Please enjoy today’s guest blogger, my friend and fellow writer Justin Cox, as he shares his emotional experience of learning he will soon be a father.

Bianca and I got married on August 6 of last year. From that day forward, we began fielding this question semi-regularly: “So, when are you gonna have a kid?”

Bianca’s answer always came before people could even finish asking. “We’re going to get a Golden Retriever before we have a baby!” she’d say with confidence.

After a few months of listening to her answering this way, I started doing the economic math on the situation, which is this: We currently live in an upstairs apartment, and although I’m super excited by the idea of owning a dog, I’d rather wait until I can provide it some ground upon which to scamper freely. Given the reality of our lives and the trajectory of our careers, that could take some time.

I wasn’t telling Bianca that I wanted a baby right away; I just wasn’t sure I wanted to wait until we had a dog first, which was the plan we hatched together in the early months of our engagement. When I put it this way to Bianca, she fully agreed. It’s as if she had gotten caught up in her own Golden Retriever excitement. Or she just enjoyed answering the baby question this way. Either way, we happily moved forward in the absence of a plan (both in terms of babies, backyards or Golden Retrievers).

And then we went down to her family’s house in Orange County for a Christmas vacation.

We had been down there for more than a week, and although we absolutely love her parents, we were ready to go back home. We decided we would cut our trip short and head back up north for new years, via Big Sur, where we would camp for a night.

The evening before we left Bianca’s family’s place, I was standing in their kitchen talking to Bianca’s dad, Oscar, who was swirling a glass of red wine and conversing loosely. While we had this conversation, a 9-month old baby girl, Evelynn, was bopping around somewhere in the house (or she was sleeping). Evelynn is Bianca’s brother’s baby – Oscar and Nuria’s first grandkid.

With that being top of mind, Oscar initiated a very casual conversation about babies. Not my future baby; just babies in general. He probably doesn’t even remember the conversation.

He told me about his brother and sister-in-law, who had kids while they were quite young, although I’m not sure how young. He said that this allowed them to raise their children while they had plenty of energy and then, years later, it freed them up to enjoy their empty nest when they retired.

That wasn’t something I had never thought about. I’ve always been so focused on enjoying my life and furthering my education and doing my job well that I’ve always felt like I was just a few steps away from being prepared to support a child. I mentioned this feeling to Oscar, at which point he told me something I already knew, deep down: You’re never really ready. You just do it.

The bottom line is this: You work with what you have and you allocate your love and energy in the right direction. That’s it.

Now, before I get to the part where my wife becomes pregnant – Ahhh! – let me acknowledge that everybody lives life on their own timetable. My mom was 10 years younger than I am now when she had me. Many people wait much longer Bianca and I are. Others choose not to have children at all. Every option is totally legitimate. I can only tell my own story, so here it is:

We escaped Orange County early and were excited to drive up the coast, camp in Big Sur, and then have a low-key New Year’s back home in Davis. While sitting next to a fire outside of our tent-cabin and drinking wine from plastic water bottles that we had cut in half with a pocket knife, I told Bianca about my conversation with her dad, which made her laugh and smile. But it resonated with her in the same way that it did with me. We also laughed about the Golden Retriever plan. We fell asleep that night with a total openness to the idea of starting a family.

I’ll skirt the nitty-gritty details here and get to the part where Bianca suspects pregnancy. (Safe to say: This happened a bit faster than we had anticipated). She was sitting on a couch in our living room when she told me she was a day late with her period. She then added that she had a feeling she was pregnant, and that she hoped that was the case. We drove to the Co-op and bought a pregnancy test that evening, but decided she would take it the following morning, because that’s what the test recommended.

She woke up at 6 a.m. and told me she absolutely had to pee, and she asked if I wanted to come to the bathroom while she took the test. I told her to go ahead pee and to tell me right when she was done so that I could get out of bed and watch the + or – show up on the test. (I imagined her shaking it like a Polaroid picture and staring at it for a while until it showed up).

Shortly after she started peeing, she said, “Do you want to come see?”

The + was written all over her tone, which carried a blend of surprise, excitement and shock at how rapidly the test had delivered an answer. I popped out of bed and went in to give her a hug and to see the + for myself.

It was a very exciting morning. We went back to our bed and talked about the uncharted territory that now awaits us. She was almost a month pregnant at that point. At the time of this writing, she’s three months in, and just now feeling the first signs of pregnancy: She’s consistently tired. I keep assuming I have nine months to prepare for my baby’s arrival, but the truth his I only have six. And that’s crazy!

When we told Bianca’s parents about it, they were extremely excited to have another grandchild in the family. Her dad laughed when I told him that he was the one who nudged us in this direction. When we told my parents the following day, their excitement was more emotional, I think because this will be their first grandbaby. 

Now we’ve seen an ultrasound and we’ve heard a heartbeat. Bianca told me yesterday that the baby is currently the size of a peach. When we took our first ultrasound the baby was the size of an olive. And when we took that pregnancy test, it was the size of a poppy seed.

Soon, it’ll be the size of a baby!

Justin Cox is a writer and editor of Davis Patch.  He enjoys playing music, reading, and eating two-scoop ice-cream cones. 


Jennifer Wolfe

Jennifer Wolfe, a writer-teacher-mom, is dedicated to finding the extraordinary in the ordinary moments of life by thinking deeply, loving fiercely, and teaching audaciously. Jennifer is a Google Certified Educator, Hyperdoc fanatic, and a voracious reader. Read her stories on her blog, mamawolfe, and grab free copies of her teaching and parenting resources.

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Moms at Work

Posted on January 25, 2012 by

I’ve always been a working mom.  I was one of those women who thought that I could do it all – full time teaching, ever present spouse and greet my kids after school with a tray of freshly baked cookies.
Life didn’t exactly turn out that way.
When my daughter was born, I was sure I could return to my 7thgrade English teaching job.  It only would require a 60-minute round trip commute and leaving her home with her dad all day.  And, I could still breast feed.
Luckily, the sleep deprivation got to me, and I realized not all that was going to happen.
After six months home with her it was time to return to the classroom.  I settled on a 5thgrade position that would allow me to work closer to home and have fewer papers to grade.  I could zip home on my lunch hour to feed the baby, zip back for the afternoon and be home in time to bake cookies for my husband.
Life didn’t exactly turn out that way, either.
Trying to time a feeding for the 10-minute window I had available didn’t sit well with my stubborn daughter.  The tears when I left didn’t sit well with my husband.  Fifth graders were sucking all my patience – they were so clingy.   And the cookies?  That was just a fantasy.
The following school year I tried something else – a 7thgrade position in a town about 10 minutes away.  The plus side was the curriculum-my comfort zone-and my schedule-8-12.  The down side was the commute-15 minutes each way might have well been crossing the state line.  But she was growing up, and didn’t depend on me quite as much.  My husband mastered the art of the long walk to tire her out, and she adjusted.
Then life presented baby #2.
This time I gave in.  Stay at home mom I would be.  The pendulum swung, my husband took a second job, and I spent every waking moment with both kids.  I baked cookies-but he was too tired to eat them when he got home.  Baby #2 didn’t seem to know who this man was that stumbled into the house every night, too exhausted to play, laugh or go to the park.
Going back to work was at least familiar, if not exciting.  Teacherwolfe went into full gear.  I decided that the commute could be a time for myself, and found that by the time I got home mamawolfe had reappeared and was excited to re-enter the home. My husband left his second job, balance slowly reappeared, and so did the cookies.
Life never tasted so sweet.

Jennifer Wolfe

Jennifer Wolfe, a writer-teacher-mom, is dedicated to finding the extraordinary in the ordinary moments of life by thinking deeply, loving fiercely, and teaching audaciously. Jennifer is a Google Certified Educator, Hyperdoc fanatic, and a voracious reader. Read her stories on her blog, mamawolfe, and grab free copies of her teaching and parenting resources.

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Driving Lessons Part One: The Early Years

Posted on January 18, 2012 by

“Well, at least now I know not to floor it going into the driveway while cutting off people and scraping the front of the car on the curb,” my 15 year old daughter reflected after putting the car into park.

We all know that this day is coming.  Parents are always marking off the milestones with our children-first tooth, first steps, first words, first day of school, first loose tooth, first ….driving lesson?

I decided to handle this milestone by putting the responsibility with my daughter.  If she wanted to drive, she needed to be mature and responsible enough to make it happen.  She would be obligated to research the online driver’s training course, sign up and complete the requirements.  All I needed to do was provide the credit card number.

So she did.

Then it was time to take the written test.  Again, the ball was in her court.  She must research the hours of the DMV, figure out how to set up an appointment, make the appointment, study for the test and then show up and take it.  All I needed to do was drive her there.

So she did.

Turns out the written test wasn’t as easy as she thought.  She needed to figure out a different way to study and approach the test.  All I needed to do was buy the DMV app from iTunes.  That would buy me a few more weeks.

So I did.

I have a determined sort of daughter, it turns out.  She studied and studied and eventually passed. The look on her face when she realized that she had gotten 100% was one I’ll never forget!  My elation diminished quickly when I realized the next step: behind the wheel.

Again, she had to do the set up.  Some might call this denial on my part – I call it strategy.  Each step she accomplished on her own showed me that she was mature enough to handle driving, and allowed me a bit of time to get used to the idea.

When the day came for her first lesson I trembled with nervousness like she was going on her first date.  Her white haired instructor, Luther, pulled up and quickly took her to his car.  This milestone wasn’t as satisfying as her first word or her first steps.  This one stung a little.

After what seemed like hours sitting in the driveway behind the wheel, she slowly backed out and drove off.  My baby-behind the wheel of a bright blue Honda.

Two hours later she returned.  No bumps or bruises or tear stains on her face.  Her coy smile told me everything went ok, and Luther confirmed it.  “A bit fast on the turns” was his only comment, aside from telling me that she now NEEDED TO DRIVE EVERY TIME WE GOT IN THE CAR!

What?  Did I hear him correctly?  Every time?  There must be some other way…some type of driving simulator? My little red Prius doesn’t have a driver’s side set of brakes-how will I survive?

Like her first steps, her first words and the first day of school, I survived.  The fear of the unknown haunts me as a parent.  I knew what life was like when she could only crawl, would make baby signs for things she needed, or was only in preschool part of the day.  I could never imagine how it could be any better than that moment, or how any age could me more special.  But somehow, it was, and so is she.

Watching my first baby behind the wheel makes me think about all the lessons she’s learned in the last 15 years.  She has learned the confidence it took to research the driving school.  She has learned the responsibility it took to complete the online course.  She has learned the determination it took to keep studying for the written test.  She learned the poise it took to drive off in an unknown car with a strange man.  And she’s learned that her mom trusts her enough to put her in charge of a lethal weapon – my little red Prius.

I hope she is learning how much I believe in her.  I know she can do anything she sets her mind to.

To be continued…

mamawolfe spends her days teaching and parenting, and her nights writing about it.  
Visit her blog mamawolfe for more life lessons and opinions on the world today

Jennifer Wolfe

Jennifer Wolfe, a writer-teacher-mom, is dedicated to finding the extraordinary in the ordinary moments of life by thinking deeply, loving fiercely, and teaching audaciously. Jennifer is a Google Certified Educator, Hyperdoc fanatic, and a voracious reader. Read her stories on her blog, mamawolfe, and grab free copies of her teaching and parenting resources.

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Spread Sunshine All Over The Place…

Posted on January 9, 2012 by

One nice part of spending the weekends in the mountains is escaping the winter valley fog.  As I drive up the hill and the greyness disappears behind me I feel my spirits lifting.  Seeing the sunrise over the Sierras makes up for any early morning grumblies I might have. 

I think that must be one reason why Michael Ann from The Big GreenBowl awarded me the Sunshine Award!  Michael Ann is one of the best baking bloggers out there-everything she creates and blogs about is super yummy and easy to make – I just made her Buttery Almond Crunch recipe this week!

Here are the rules for accepting this award:

1. Thank the person who gave this award and write a post about it.

2. Answer the following questions below.

3. Pass the award to fabulous bloggers, link their blogs and let them know you awarded them.

Favorite color? 

Black.  I wear it every day, usually with other neutrals and the occasional leopard print for pizzazz.  Some people think black feels depressing-not me.  It makes me feel like me.

Favorite animal? 

If I have to be around animals-within touching distance-it would be a dog.  I like them hairy, soft and just the right size for my lap.  Not those kind of dogs that fit in a purse-they have to be big enough to take on a walk. 

Favorite number?

16.  The best elementary classroom I ever had, my favorite president, but not my favorite year to be alive.  John Lennon died on my 16th birthday-that is all I remember about it.

Favorite drink?

Strong French roast coffee with a good dollop of real half and half.  Several cups get me going every morning.

Facebook or Twitter?

When I can figure out the new formats, it’s Facebook.  I’m constantly amazed how this application has reconnected me with old friends, helped me make new ones, and lets me talk to people around the world.

Your passion?

Mothering.  Every morning when I kiss my children awake I am awed that they are in my life.  I have never before felt so much love, humbleness, laughter, pain, and joy.

Giving or getting presents?

Giving, especially those that I’ve been planning for a long time.  I love thinking of something a person would never buy for themselves, something that will bring a little beauty or happiness to their lives.

Favorite day?

The day that ends with a smile on my face.  The day that my child hugged me.  The day that someone said thank you for helping me.  The day that I learned something about myself.  The day that I kissed my children goodnight.

Favorite flower?

Tuberose.  They are hard to grow, overpoweringly fragrant, and grow straight and tall on their own.

I am happy to pass along the Sunshine Awards to the following blogs-be sure to visit them and see why they make me smile!

Adventures in Alyssaland
Thinking In My Head

Perspective Parenting

Mommy LaDy Club
The Organic Blonde

Jennifer Wolfe

Jennifer Wolfe, a writer-teacher-mom, is dedicated to finding the extraordinary in the ordinary moments of life by thinking deeply, loving fiercely, and teaching audaciously. Jennifer is a Google Certified Educator, Hyperdoc fanatic, and a voracious reader. Read her stories on her blog, mamawolfe, and grab free copies of her teaching and parenting resources.

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Middle School Madness: What Parents Can Do To Help

Posted on December 28, 2011 by



Middle school can be the most confusing time for students and parents in their educational career.  Everything ‘known’ about school is shifting, and hormones are often kicking into gear at the same time.  Students want more independence, and parents want to do the right thing.  Instead of letting teens ‘sink or swim’, try a more balanced approach.  Teens definitely need to learn responsibility and independence, but they also require structure and supervision more than ever.  By following these simple tips you may be able to crack the middle school confusion code and have a more happy and stress free experience.

Step 1:  Attend Back To School Night, Parent Nights and Open House.

Everyone has busy schedules, but this is an important show of support to your child, their teacher and school community.  These nights often are times to sign up for email lists, learn about the course, and at a minimum get a ‘visual’ of where your child spends their day, and who their teachers are.

Step 2:  Expect homework every night.

Follow the school’s homework policy or create one of your own.  If you teen says they ‘don’t have any homework’, ask to see their planner or sit down with them to check the school or teacher website.  If they truly have nothing assigned, require them to read a book, graphic novel, or magazine of their choice for 20-30 minutes.

Step 3:  Set aside a regular time and quiet place to study.

In middle school it is important to create and/or maintain good study habits.  Not only will it help improve grades, but will assist students as they enter more rigorous high school courses that count towards college entrance.  Bedrooms, kitchen tables, and family rooms all can be acceptable study areas as long as they are equipped with a writing surface, are relatively free of distractions, and have a place for teens to store their school supplies and books when not in  use.  Many teens are able to listen to music while studying-TV and computers are generally more distracting.  Also, turn phones on silent to discourage the temptation to read texts while concentrating.

Step 4:  Check your child’s planner/backpack/binder regularly.

Not every teen is a born organizer.  They need help finding a system that works for them.  Teach them how to use a calendar to write down homework, preferably something that will clip into a 3 ring binder.  Try using one binder for all classes-it will cut down on the misplaced papers and forgotten assignments in lockers.  Once a week, dump out backpacks and book bags.  Hole punch loose papers and put in their binder behind dividers for each subject.

Step 5: Make studying fun.

Some teens have shorter attention spans than others.  Try setting a timer for 15-20 minutes of solid concentration.  Take a 5 minute break, then resume studying.  Make sure they have a full tummy-hunger can be very distracting.  Try Skype or FaceTime-teens are social by nature and may surprise you with their ability to work with a partner.  Studying with a friend at home or in a cafe can also be a nice change of pace.

Step 6:  Provide encouragement, clear expectations and logical consequences.

Middle school is a time for kids to learn what works and doesn’t work for them.  Rewards and consequences are an effective tool to help teens stay on track.  Try to use a one week system-many kids today are used to instant gratification and waiting for a month or two is too long.  Figure out what they really like, value or want and use that as your motivator!

Step 7:  Be proactive with teachers.

Middle school teachers often have 100+ students.  While they may want to contact you, often times they aren’t able to let you know about problems and successes as soon as you’d like them to.  Make sure to get on email distribution lists.  Send teachers an email every week or two asking specific questions about your student.  Think of yourself, your child and their teachers as a team that is working together to provide the best educational experience possible.

Step 8:  Expect success and understand struggles.

Teens are bound to encounter subjects that challenge them in middle school.  Earning straight A’s is not in every subject.  By setting high expectations yet understanding their struggles teens will learn that you are listening and care about them.  When teens are scared to talk to their parents about grades it becomes unproductive and unsafe.  Encourage them to do their best everyday, and understand when they make mistakes.  They’re still learning!

Jennifer Wolfe

Jennifer Wolfe, a writer-teacher-mom, is dedicated to finding the extraordinary in the ordinary moments of life by thinking deeply, loving fiercely, and teaching audaciously. Jennifer is a Google Certified Educator, Hyperdoc fanatic, and a voracious reader. Read her stories on her blog, mamawolfe, and grab free copies of her teaching and parenting resources.

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