Category: Travel

Friday Photo: Expect the Unexpected

Posted on July 28, 2012 by

Every day as I walk out of my western-style hotel room, I take a deep breath and try to prepare myself for the day.  I keep thinking that each day nothing could out do the day before, that the people, food and experiences couldn’t possibly be more amazing than what I’ve already seen.
And every evening, when I walk back into my hotel room, I take a deep breath and try to process everything that I saw, touched and tasted that day.  Just when I think I can anticipate how I will react I am continually amazed at myself and the world around me. 
I am learning the true meaning of ‘expect the unexpected’ – and the best part is that I’m learning to accept the unexpected, too.

Jennifer Wolfe

Jennifer Wolfe, a writer-teacher-mom, is dedicated to finding the extraordinary in the ordinary moments of life by thinking deeply, loving fiercely, and teaching audaciously. Jennifer is a Google Certified Educator, Hyperdoc fanatic, and a voracious reader. Read her stories on her blog, mamawolfe, and grab free copies of her teaching and parenting resources.

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Cendekia Serpong School: A Lesson in Gift Giving

Posted on July 26, 2012 by

Each time I walk into the lobby I pause and take a touch of aromatic oil for my hands. It’s a little lift to my senses, a special gift I give myself. It helps me get ready for this amazing experience.



Prepared with ‘Gift of the Magi’ lesson plans, we arrived
late for our 7 am class because our driver overslept…thinking our teacher would
have started without us, we were surprised to be ‘on’ the moment we walked into
the classroom.  The 12th grade
students were very polite and shy, and as Amy and I began our lesson, we were
pleased that our teaching styles meshed so nicely and things moved along
seamlessly.  The teachers are fascinated
with our collaboration, and share their desire to learn how to work with each
other as well as their frustration with unsuccessful attempts.
Indonesian kids are similar to Americans in many ways, except these kids spend many more hours at school – class begins at seven, and ends
after three.  During Ramadan students
wake at three, pray, eat and arrive at school by 6:30 am.  We ignored the yawns and listlessness of some
students, and empathized with what they dealt with on a daily basis.  We learned that 3,000 students apply for
admission, and only 120 are accepted.  It
is a great honor to attend this school, and many students use government
scholarship for tuition.  Teachers refer
to the program as ‘career studying’.
Students who don’t pass are expelled – there are no second chances.
After two classes, each videotaped by the teacher, we
switched to 11th grade English and our presentation on the US and
our state, schools and families.  The
students asked more interesting questions about American culture, boy/girl
relationships, the CIA/FBI, what ‘Sin City’ was, and the American Dream.
Several classes have told us they know America is a ‘superpower’, and that they
can earn scholarships to study in our colleges.
They have such hope for their futures.


Later that evening we were invited back to school to literally
‘break-fast’ with some teachers and the dorm counselors.
  As we arrived, we were excited to see the male
students out of uniform and participating in an ‘Iron Chef-style’ cooking
competition using bananas, chocolate and cheese.
  Girls could only gather around and express
their frustration with their techniques.




Just like American students, Indonesian kids don’t love
their cafeteria food.
  Big blue coolers
filled with endless amounts of rice supplements the canteen offerings.

A quick tour of their dormitories revealed the stark reality that they
live far from home.


We ended our visit with a traditional ‘break-fast’
meal.  Interestingly, we start with
sweets (dates, coconut drink, steamed buns with rice paste), and end with
savory (chicken, rice, and fresh vegetables).
Sitting on the floor, eating new foods and watching our hosts so adept without
utensils, we reveled in the gifts they were sharing with us.
Each day in Indonesia concludes with a mixture of exhaustion and
admiration; navigating this extraordinary culture takes a great deal of energy,
a humbleness and willingness to learn from our mistakes, and an openness to
receiving the gifts of knowledge and awareness.

We process our similarities and differences, laugh at ourselves, and ask
a multitude of questions in our quest to bring our disparate worlds
  I am so grateful for the
honesty and candor of the people here; they are giving me a priceless gift that
I hope will help me enrich my global classroom in America.


Jennifer Wolfe

Jennifer Wolfe, a writer-teacher-mom, is dedicated to finding the extraordinary in the ordinary moments of life by thinking deeply, loving fiercely, and teaching audaciously. Jennifer is a Google Certified Educator, Hyperdoc fanatic, and a voracious reader. Read her stories on her blog, mamawolfe, and grab free copies of her teaching and parenting resources.

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What I Want

Posted on July 26, 2012 by

Despite what you might think, I’m actually quite a homebody.  Whenever I travel I have certain requirements that I’ve learned really make the difference between a good trip and a disaster.  They’re not too much to keep me from experiencing the local culture, but they sure make life a lot easier when I’m trying to navigate a new culture, language, customs and country.

One of them is coffee.  I’m on the island of Java, but the hotel rooms only serve instant java, which makes my stash of American grounds a godsend.  After teaching all morning in the humidity, I’ve also felt grateful for the Starbucks in the mall adjacent to the hotel.

Another is proper clothing.  I like to be comfortable and appropriately dressed, which made packing for teaching in a Muslim country challenging.  I’m expected to cover to the elbow, below the knee, and have a high neckline.  Yesterday I made a fashion faux-pas and was required to don the school’s version of gym shorts – a kind of pant outfit called a yama.  I think they’re mainly used for some sort of yoga.

Reluctantly, I’ll admit I like to be connected.  Coming back to my hotel after a long day and finding Facebook messages and blog comments makes me feel like I’m not out here all alone, and the beauty of Skype and FaceTime has allowed me to see my children and keep me grounded.

Indonesia is a beautiful country, rich with traditions and hospitable people.  I’m not afraid to know what I want – and to ask for it. I think knowing what we need to be happy is important – and if it helps us experience the richness of another culture, all the better.

Jennifer Wolfe

Jennifer Wolfe, a writer-teacher-mom, is dedicated to finding the extraordinary in the ordinary moments of life by thinking deeply, loving fiercely, and teaching audaciously. Jennifer is a Google Certified Educator, Hyperdoc fanatic, and a voracious reader. Read her stories on her blog, mamawolfe, and grab free copies of her teaching and parenting resources.

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Tangerang: Questions, Chapels, and Batman Saves The Day

Posted on July 25, 2012 by

The day started like any other, really – 3am fireworks
accompanied by my hotel room neighbor pounding on the wall shot me straight up
out of bed.  The call to prayer broadcast
for Ramadan reminded me that it wasn’t time for me yet, but instead of falling
back to sleep I started thinking about the day ahead.
As part of the Teachers for Global Classrooms program, our
host school visit is designed to help us both help other teachers understand
American culture, while simultaneously soaking in their education system.  From our online look at MAN Insan Cendekia
Serpong school before we left America, it appeared to be a very strict, formal
boarding school.


As we waited for our 6:30 am pickup by an unknown driver, we
had plenty of time to get nervous.  Were we
wearing the right clothes?  Would we make
it through the day in accordance to the rituals of Ramadan?  Would the children speak enough English to
understand our presentation on the US and California?  Would the teachers be interested?
The school sits at the end of a long driveway and sprawls
over a large campus.  We were happy to be
greeted by our host teacher, Yuna, as well as nearly every adult that we ran
into.  Our first class began at 8:00, so
after a quick tour we entered our classroom to teach 10th grade English
students.  We were asked to remove our
shoes before entering the building – besides feeling like a fool for having the
only four-inch heels sitting on the steps, I felt awkward teaching
barefoot!  In Indonesia, students stay in
the room and the teacher moves each period.
It felt strange to have students watching me set up for the lesson, but
their eager smiles put us at ease rather quickly.



Using our Prezi about California, our schools and our
families created a great environment for discussion about what they know about
America, and what kinds of questions they would like us to answer.  We were shocked with their sophistication and
knowledge level – they wanted to know what Americans think of Muslims,
especially after 9/11, how can Indonesians get US college scholarships, what
were the causes of the Civil War, what are the differences between democrats
and republicans, how do Americans feel about the election and Barack
Obama.  Some of the more amusing ones were:
does the mafia really runs the country, what is the difference between British
and American accents, do we prefer bread or rice, and have I ever met Arnold
Schwarzenegger!  The students were
thrilled with the red, white and blue pencils and candies we gave them as a
parting gift, some even promising to save the wrapper to remember us.
After teaching we headed towards the teacher work room;
since the teachers are mobile here, they each have a desk in a large work space
with cubicles.  It’s a great idea!  We met the next English teacher we would be
working with, and began reading the story “The Chapel” she wanted us to prepare
a lesson on for the next day.  This
became our most challenging situation to date.
After realizing it was about a 13 year old girl who is raped, becomes
pregnant, her husband is killed, and the eventual rapist is revealed as her
white priest, we politely requested that we select another and chalked it up to
cultural differences.  We chose ‘Gift of
the Magi’, and then realized we’d be teaching about Christianity to
Muslims.  It works both ways.
It is evident that Indonesians are eager to learn English,
and their teachers excited to take advantage of our visit.  On the way to the van we were requested to
prepare lessons for two classes the next day, so we left with impending lesson
plans to complete before our night time activity – Batman.


The American dollar goes far in Indonesia – our lovely hotel is only $50/night, including breakfast, eight tickets to the movies, and the same for the adjacent water park.  Food is inexpensive as well – most of our meals have been under $5 each, and we’ve never been hungry.  Visiting the local movie theater was interesting – Indonesians have food service right to their assigned theater seats!  Popcorn, french fries or fish balls for all!


This was the hardest day so far.  We are so conscious about everything we do,
and try hard not to make any offensive errors as we navigate this unfamiliar
culture.  Not a day has gone by that I
haven’t felt like the ‘outsider’, and I’m again reminded of what our students
must experience as they come to the US to study.  By talking with the students I realize not
only how much they know about America, but also how much they have bought into
the media stereotypes that are often their source of information.  Yes, they have studied English and American
history in school, but today’s kids are learning more from the internet and social
media. Even in this private, Islamic boarding school they know about Harry
Potter, Hunger Games, Harvard, MIT and Washington DC, and that they should
study hard to earn the chance for education in the US.  Kids who cannot date or use Facebook know the
Jonas Brothers, Miley Cyrus, Justin Bieber, Katy Perry, and Twitter.
 The world really is
shrinking, and our best bet at understanding each other is to sit down, look
eye to eye and talk without fear of looking stupid or being misunderstood.  If we can come together for Batman with subtitles,
surely we can break down the stereotypes we have of each other, and make
progress towards becoming true global citizens.
Hey Batman, can you give us a hand?


Jennifer Wolfe

Jennifer Wolfe, a writer-teacher-mom, is dedicated to finding the extraordinary in the ordinary moments of life by thinking deeply, loving fiercely, and teaching audaciously. Jennifer is a Google Certified Educator, Hyperdoc fanatic, and a voracious reader. Read her stories on her blog, mamawolfe, and grab free copies of her teaching and parenting resources.

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Tangerang: Obama, Shopping Malls, and Breaking Laws in Supermarkets

Posted on July 24, 2012 by

After two
days of briefings on education and culture of Indonesia, we were ready to leave
Jakarta and head to our respective host schools.
  The 11 TGC fellows are split among six
different locations all over Indonesia, none of us really knowing exactly what
we would encounter once we left the comfort of our large group and the Jakarta


As the host
teachers began arriving to pick us up, it felt a bit like the end of camp as we
packed our bags and headed in different directions, each promising to keep in
  There was some comfort in being
together, and I found myself nervous about heading off with unknown people in a
car in the middle of Indonesia!

Fortunately, my teaching partner Amy and I share a love of adventure and
daring, and we took a deep breath, said goodbye, and headed for our first stop,
Barack Obama’s elementary school.
The statue
that welcomes visitors was once in a nearby park, but the Indonesians, fiercely
loyal to their culture, felt it didn’t represent their entire country and moved
it to his elementary school.


Because it was
Sunday, we had arranged special entrance to the school grounds.
  What delighted us as we walked the campus’
brightly colored, Dutch inspired buildings were the many inspirational signs
hanging from each hallway.
  Two of my personal favorites were hanging above the English rooms.  It continues to impress me just how eager Indonesians are to learn English, and although many signs, menus, and directions use our language, if we look just beneath the surface there isn’t a collective use of or understanding of English among the general population.

After a 45-minute
car trip at impressive speeds, the host teacher graciously unloaded at Hotel
Sandika and escorted us directly into the adjacent shopping mall.  I’m sure we garnered many stares as we
giggled with excitement and wonder at the bounty before us!
We spent
nearly an hour enraptured by the bookstore – sort of a cross between Borders,
Office Max and Target; we happily searched for useful items for our upcoming teaching
assignment, as well as a few children’s bilingual Indonesian/English books. I
love the interesting translations of titles and the different types of fashion



 I always find it fascinating to visit grocery stores when I travel – even when I cannot read the product names, I’m so curious about what people buy on a daily basis.  Is this what I would eat for breakfast if I lived here? 
I’ve never seen such a variety of mangoes!

immediately began snapping photos of the unusual fruits, vegetables and….eels?
  Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a bucket
of squirming creatures; a squeal erupted, and was immediately confronted by the
uniformed security guard and told to stop taking photos.
  Who knew I would break the law in a grocery

We left a
bit disappointed that beer is unavailable in the grocery store here, but
satisfied with our snacks and exhausted from the over stimuli.
  Although Tangerang appears to be more Chinese
Buddhist than Muslim, the fact that it is Ramadan hasn’t escaped us – the broadcast
prayers in the background above the continually piped in Kenny G
tunes are a constant reminder.

Today I had
to muster up a different kind of courage – it wasn’t the
in-the-pen-with-a-Komodo-dragon type, but that inner courage that comes from
having to do that which is outside my comfort zone.  As we whizzed down the Jakarta freeway with
complete strangers, I had to pause and remind myself of where I was in the
universe, and that we would be ok.  It
wasn’t a trembling kind of fear of imminent danger, but that spinning kind of
unstable, feet lifting off the ground, I’m-not-in-Kansas-anymore feeling I only get when I’m far, far away from what I know best. 
At times, I felt much more at ease here than I should; surrounded
by Wendy’s, Starbucks, Baskin Robbins and Celebrity Fitness makes me feel like
I’m back in California.  But when my
innocence gets me reprimanded, and I cannot speak the language, I’m reminded
that my culture needs to take the backseat for a while.
Thank goodness
for my teaching buddy.  I’m so glad I’m not alone.  Now, where did I
leave those ruby slippers?


Jennifer Wolfe

Jennifer Wolfe, a writer-teacher-mom, is dedicated to finding the extraordinary in the ordinary moments of life by thinking deeply, loving fiercely, and teaching audaciously. Jennifer is a Google Certified Educator, Hyperdoc fanatic, and a voracious reader. Read her stories on her blog, mamawolfe, and grab free copies of her teaching and parenting resources.

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