As I wake up I hear the rhythmic tick of the sprinkler outside my window. The coffee drips in time to the clock, and although the house is quiet, my brain jumps wide awake.
It’s not official yet – summer really still has four more days before I should be mourning the end of long nights spent wrapped around a novel, mornings lingering over another coffee with cream, and being alone.
But I’m part of something. I contribute to a system, a group, a team of people who cares beyond measure about children. We get up early, we plan, we laugh, we smile, and we create a whole unit designed to pull each other up and out of ourselves.
The sprinkler subsides outside my window. The coffee dwindles to the last drop, and my house begins to stir. My body must jump awake, engage, and prepare to take part.
They’re counting on me.
Who’s counting on you?
Comments: 15
September 3, 2012It’s a 24×7, never ending sort of job for which the benefits are questionable, the pay, miserable, but the love, well that’s never ending.
August 17, 2012Wonderful post! My family is who is counting on me, and I am grateful for that everyday!
Jennifer Wolfe
August 17, 2012Thanks, Pamela. I’m so grateful to have my family beside me, too!
Family Travels on a Budget
August 17, 2012Oh how poignant! I am thankful for teachers and school administrators who share your attitude. My kids are blessed to be part of an excellent school system. I pray I am the same kind of mom!
Jennifer Wolfe
August 17, 2012Schools play such an important part in our lives…and I try to teach every child as I would want my own to be taught. I’m sure you’ve got everything it takes to be an amazing mom!
ReviewsSheROTE Pamela R
August 17, 2012my kiddo’s and hubby for sure…
how the summer has flown by =)
Jennifer Wolfe
August 17, 2012Hasn’t it gone by far too fast? I love the things that stay the same in my life…not sure I’m quite ready to jump back into the game just yet!
August 17, 2012You write well, and it was obvious your children (both at home and in the classroom) have someone who is dedicated to their well-being. Very nicely done.
Jennifer Wolfe
August 17, 2012Thanks, Rosey. I do try to live my life dedicated to what is meaningful to me, and what will make a difference.
Czjai Reyes-Ocampo
August 17, 2012Definitely my son. And my husband, too. 🙂
Jennifer Wolfe
August 17, 2012Isn’t it wonderful to have them!
Shannon Milholland
August 17, 2012Jennifer, wow is this good writing! Who’s counting on me? Of course my precious family but I’d like to think my readers, the women in the various groups I lead and of course my church. It’s enriching to be counted and make a difference. I pray I always live with purpose and intention.
Jennifer Wolfe
August 17, 2012Thank you, Shannon. I love your thoughts about living with purpose and intention..I wouldn’t have it any other way.
My Inner Chick
August 17, 2012–Education & Children NEED more passionate teachers like you. You’re changing the world! X
Jennifer Wolfe
August 17, 2012Why thank you, dear chick. I have the passion…it’s keeping up the energy in the face of budget cuts, larger classes and the declining respect for teachers in our country.