The House of Learning

Posted on July 22, 2011 by

When I was younger, I spent heaps of time at the Yolo CountyLibrary on 14th Street.

I wasn’t an overly outgoing child, and frequently found a refuge in the children’s room.  Walking in felt like entering a beige space of tranquility and organization.  Built in 1969, it had a feel of neutrality, newness and comfort to my elementary sensibilities.  I remember during the summer months the librarian- Mrs. Sekerak, the lovely white haired figurehead- used to prepare a reading challenge.  There weren’t any fancy awards, or large cash prizes-what I remember is it was a place to record what you read, and challenge yourself to push ahead.   And she was always there, ready to lead us in the right direction.

Naively, one summer I believed that I could start at “A” and read all the books in the children’s section.  How many of us have done this?  Systematically I would pull the books, write my name on the card and hand it to the librarian for check out.  Nothing to scan, beep or navigate under a laser-just a simple index card that promised I would return.
Needless to say, I never made it all the way around to “Z”. I don’t recall quite where I got sidetracked, but I’m sure it was along the lines of ‘Betsy-Tacy”, “Misty of Chincoteague”,  or “Mr. Popper’s Penguins” (yes, it was a book before a movie).
As a young adult, my trips to the library mostly involved sequestering in the carrels of  Cal at Moffitt Library, deep into my required readings.  Emerson, Byron, Bronte, Hawthorne, Hemingway, Morrison, Walker filled my days and nights.  Occasionally I would venture towards Hargrove Music Library for a change of pace-the thumping of African drum beats and strains of choral music added to the aggregation of themes running through my brain.
As a parent, I’m back in Davis, although not much about the library is as it was in the 1970s.  The architecture of functionality of 2011 involves the sophistication of the times.  Patrons are delighted with cool color tones, textured surfaces, and sparkling digital stations.  Divisions are established for children, teens and adults, each space catering to delight the occupants with comfy chairs, computers, performance stages, and study areas to match any style.  Rowling, Riordan, Westerfield, and Meyers have arrived, supplementing the classics I loved so well. Long gone are the index cards, returns run by automation before one even walks through the doors.  Librarians-yes, they’re still there-now more as ‘troubleshooters to technology’.  Sadly, I don’t think my kids nor I even know their names.
Circulating through this space, I think about how much libraries have meant to me.  I think of the stories, the comfort, the learning I have received and still rely on as a highlight to my day.  I watch the children balancing stacks of picture books, smiles on their faces.  I watch the teens on their laptops, reading and studying.  I watch the grownups searching for the latest DVD or CD to take home on a Friday night.  I watch the newcomers to Davis searching for the best learning tools.  I watch the homeless looking for a cool place to bide their time or browse the internet.  I watch myself as a young girl, believing that if I just started at the beginning I could automatically make my way to ‘z’, with nothing to stop her.
What I’ve learned is that life doesn’t operate on a Dewey Decimal system.  Beautiful, frustrating, and magical things disrupt us over and over again.  And that’s OK.  What I’m still learning is that the learning happens, no matter what system it’s assembled in.
Would we want it any other way?

Jennifer Wolfe

Jennifer Wolfe, a writer-teacher-mom, is dedicated to finding the extraordinary in the ordinary moments of life by thinking deeply, loving fiercely, and teaching audaciously. Jennifer is a Google Certified Educator, Hyperdoc fanatic, and a voracious reader. Read her stories on her blog, mamawolfe, and grab free copies of her teaching and parenting resources.

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Comments: 6

  • Christine

    August 10, 2011

    Thanks for letting me know about this post! I used to spend a lot of time at the library as a kid, too! –Christine at Why We Love Green

  • Mel~ @

    August 1, 2011

    Oh my dear how I wished I could have read all the books in the library! In college I worked in the technical services department preparing the books to be put into circulation and it drove me nuts that I couldn’t read them all.

    BTW, I’m stopping by from vb and I love your blog! I really like your content, and you write very well!

  • mamawolfe

    July 22, 2011

    Thank you for the comments! I have such fond memories of time spent in libraries, and while I still love the Davis Branch, I think often about the small, cozy atmosphere it had when I was a kid.

  • loran

    July 22, 2011

    Thanks Jen. I loved libraries growing up and love that our kids love the same old library on 14th Street. Thanks for the beautiful words!

  • Michael Ann

    July 22, 2011

    Lovingly written… makes me long for those old days. Libraries are still wonderful places, but I have to say I don’t care for the new “high tech” design of the Davis library and I don’t go as much as I used to 🙁 It doesn’t feel like a place I can cozy into with a good book, anymore. Interesting concept too, about the new role of librarian as tech trouble-shooter. So many jobs need tech skills now…

  • D. Eckstrom

    July 22, 2011

    A nice look at libraries and how they have both changed and stayed the same. The authors and the technology are different but the library still provides a place for everyone to come for a little learning.

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