March was a month of anticipation; the wrap up of one ski season, the college acceptance letters, and the countdown until Cameron returns home from the ski academy. I struggled to stay in the present moment, to breathe deeply and know that everything will work out as it should. As we move into April, I feel the breath of possibilities whispering at the back of my neck. It should be an interesting month, to be sure!
My Best March:
Best Blog Reads:
I was fascinated with the idea of ‘grittiness’ this month; how do we cultivate grit in our children seems to be a hot topic for teachers and parents right now. Fittingly, Cameron’s ski academy school motto is “Grit, Grace and Courage” – what more could we ask for our kids? I loved this post from NPR titled “Does Teaching Kids To Get Gritty Help Them Get Ahead”, as well as this one from one of my favorite websites, Daily Good. Definitely worth a read.
Best Books:
I managed to get a bit of reading done this month between the anticipation of ski races and college tours in Salt Lake City. I really enjoyed What Would You Do If You Could Not Fail by Nina Lesowitz and Mary Beth Sammons. These writers collected stories of courage from everyday people and put them together with quotes and ideas for the reader to really use in their lives. The theme of grit really got my interest, and made me think about why some people have the drive to persevere and others don’t.
The Divorce Papers by Susan Rieger was written in the form of letters, emails, and documents, telling the story of a marriage in collapse. I wasn’t sure how I’d like this format, but it turned out that the characters were well developed and the plot surprisingly easy to follow. It made me think that teaching middle school was really a dream job compared to being a divorce lawyer!
Finally, I just finished Holly Peterson’s new novel, The Idea of Him. It really made me think about how so often in life we think we know what we want or how it will all turn out, and usually, life has a way of surprising us. Holly is a Goodreads author – if you haven’t used Goodreads yet to track your books and reading, you should start! If you already do, please friend request me! I’d love to see what you’re reading, too.
Best Quiet Place:
A long time ago, when my children were small and very demanding, I decided I needed to find a quiet place close to home where I could escape when I needed to center myself. Over the years, the path running along Putah Creek in the UC Davis Arboretum has offered me great solace and joy. One of my favorite times to visit the Arboretum is when a storm is looming – I love the quietness, the animals taking cover, and the whisper of the wind blowing through the trees.
Best Photos:
A month of endings and beginnings…nothing fancy, just the fabulous moments of anticipation and reward in March:
Spring is coming! In the UC Davis Arboretum
Best Quotes:
When I look back at my Twitter #quoteoftheday postings, there seems to be a strong theme of openness to possibility and anticipation of what is yet to come. -I didn’t necessarily realize it at the time, but looking back, that’s really what March taught me.
“Stay committed to your decisions; but stay flexible in your approach.” –Tony Robbins
“You win some, you lose some, and some get rained out, but you gotta suit up for them all.”-J. Askenberg
“Instead of bracing yourself for the perils of the unknown, embrace the joy that is here, in your present moment.”
― Michelle Cruz-Rosado
“Vulnerability is the birthplace of innovation, creativity and change.”- Brene Brown
“It doesn’t matter where you are, you are nowhere compared to where you can go.” -Bob Proctor
Best Moments:
It was a month of my girl pushing herself to the limit; finishing second place in the high school state ski championships gave her such a sense of accomplishment. And then a few weeks later, she went and did this – caution-it gets a bit loud at the end of the video! Facebook Post by Jennifer Mason Wolfe.
Wishing you great possibilities in April – and as always, thank you for supporting mamawolfe. I’d love to connect with you on Instagram and Facebook, too!
Comments: 6
May 1, 2014Great post! Thank you SO much for including my quote in your “Best Quotes” category. I am deeply honoured.
Jennifer Wolfe
May 2, 2014Michelle, you’re very welcome! I love your way of thinking…and am glad you found your way to my blog, and back to your quote. ~Jennifer
My Inner Chick
March 30, 2014I completely LOVE your “best things, moments, quotes, photos, books,……!!!’ xx
My Inner Chick recently posted…The Sun Shines Differently Without You
Jennifer Wolfe
March 31, 2014Thank you, Kim! It’s a fun way for me to reflect on the month, to search for common threads in what I’m reading and writing and thinking about, and hopefully, a way to connect with others out there who share the same interests. Thanks so much for commenting! ~Jennifer
March 29, 2014I love this way of capturing a month. So wonderful!! ox
Jennifer Wolfe
March 29, 2014Thank you, Lindsey. I love the process of reflecting on my month this way…it sort of helps me keep focused on the present, and what I can take away from my experiences. Thanks so much for supporting mamawolfe with your comments. -Jennifer