It was a perfect blue sky day. We hit the road early (by teenage terms), and just about 90 minutes later found us in Pt. Reyes, California, ready for adventure.
It had taken some cajoling to get both of them to agree to go hiking with me; these days, getting both kids alone, together, is certainly cause for celebration in itself. It’s one of the things I miss most about them growing up, actually. The time I took for granted when they were little, time to just be together and hold their hands and explore somewhere new – all that isn’t as easily had as before.
Sunscreen applied, water bottles and snacks in our packs, we headed down the trail towards the coast. Everywhere we looked vibrant wildflowers dotted our view, and lush ferns and berry bushes obscured each side of our narrow trail. The hawks flew overhead, and the sounds of songbirds filled the air. It truly couldn’t have been more beautiful.
Stopping to smell the wild sweet peas and snap a few photos, I found myself alone on the trail, lagging far behind my lanky-legged teenagers. Quickening my pace, I caught up just enough to catch a glimpse of them from behind. I’ve always loved the photos of them like this, when they’re not expecting me and in that instant, I imagine all the life they have before them.
I’m sure even the hawks could see the joy etched in my face on this glorious day; glimpsing over their shoulders I could just catch the shimmer of the Pacific Ocean in the distance. “Turn around, let me take your picture,” I quickly called, worried they would be gone before I caught up. Surprisingly, they obliged, and as I got closer I added,”Let’s take a selfie.”
I’m sure the hawks could hear their groans of disgust, too.
“No Mom – no selfies,” their voices replied in unison as they took off along the trail without me.
What? No selfie? How would we ever remember we were there together? How would they look back on this day and remember I was even there at all?
I’ve often thought the invention of the selfie is genius – the one way moms are guaranteed to be in the picture! How many moments have I been behind the camera instead of in front of it? What do they mean, no selfie?
Kicking into gear to catch up, I spent the next five minutes being schooled on the three awesome reasons to have a selfie-free summer – according to my teenagers:
1. “Selfies are stupid,” they began. “They’re not as good as pictures someone else takes and everyone knows it was a selfie. Everyone knows you know you took a dozen shots until you got the right one, and that you stood there forever while the phone was angled in just the right position. Haven’t you seen those selfie-sticks, Mom? Those people look so lame waving them over everyone’s head, and then they have to carry them around.”
Hmmm. Good point. How many times have I been looking out at a gorgeous view when someone suddenly jumps in front of me, spends minutes posing, snapping, checking, posing, snapping, checking…
2. “Selfies are for Snapchat, and that’s about it. They’re not meant to be saved…they’re meant to be silly. How many times have you seen selfies where people look like they’ve spent hours perfecting their pose? Like they’ve spent hours in front of the bathroom mirror perfecting their pout or messing around with the right filters?”
Ok-agreed. As much as I dislike Snapchat (I can’t stand only seeing an image for seven seconds; heck, it takes me that long to find my glasses!), I really dislike the Instagram selfies of people staring into their bathroom mirrors, perfectly made up and serious supermodel looks on their faces.
3. “Selfies make you miss the moment. Just look, Mom. You’re concentrating so hard on getting the right shot, you’ll miss all this.”
I get it. Isn’t that what I preach to them every day? Pay attention to the little things in life. Be present. Be grateful. Look out for the extraordinary in the ordinary. Use your voice – ask someone to help you take a photo instead of staying trapped inside yourself. Look up, breathe, throw your arms open wide and take it all in. This is your moment.
Suitably schooled, I resumed my position at the back of the pack, far enough behind to think. They’re so grown, I thought, and I’ve still got so much to learn. I’m just going to let them lead the way for awhile.
Comments: 7
The Reasons Why I Didn't Write A Book Last Summer - mamawolfe
September 9, 2015[…] as usual, life got in the way. At first it was because Lily was home for only a week in June, and we needed to adventure to the coast and take long walks along the creek and go for Dutch Bros coffee even when we really didn’t […]
My Inner Chick
June 23, 2015***Selfies make you miss the moment.**
isn’t that the truth? I’m completely guilty, not so much of selfies, but of utilizing my phone for other photos.
My Inner Chick recently posted…Is There An Upside To Disaster, Death, & Darkness?
Jennifer Wolfe
June 23, 2015Kim, what do you think you would have been like as a mom of toddlers if you’d had a smart phone? I wonder if the youth growing up with moms always snapping photos and checking social media will have a different outlook than our kids do!
Balroop Singh
June 23, 2015Pictures are lovely memories we pass on to posterity. With the advent of smart phones, pictorial memories have become an essential part of our life…they carry the fragrance, the whiff of the air we breathe in those moments of adventure. I think selfies give us some added joys of getting the right picture together.
It is such a pleasure to spend those wonderful moments with our children, as they just fleet by and we don’t even realise when they fly away to create their own nests!
Balroop Singh recently posted…How Emotional Vibes Of Colors Affect Our Personality
Jennifer Wolfe
June 23, 2015Balroop, I completely agree about smart phones allowing us to capture moments…I often wonder what I would have been like as a new mom with all that tech right in my hands – and my baby’s face! I thought it was funny when my teens got all over me about selfies – they really felt strongly about it! Maybe I can sneak one now and then…thanks for sharing your thoughts!
Sara // Simply Happenstance
June 21, 2015Oh Jennifer, I LOVE this! We just got back from a quick trip to Palm Springs. I packed my big camera and had my phone, but didn’t take one picture. Although, I’m sure I’d love looking back at the images… I decided while there to just etch it all in my mind and savor every bit of our mini vacation instead of viewing it from behind my lens. I’m so glad I did. We have a couple road trips planned this summer — to Utah and to the Tahoe area 🙂 I’ll be sure to capture some shots… but no summer selfies after reading this! (Haha!) Thanks for sharing, my friend! xoxo
Sara // Simply Happenstance recently posted…Peach Mint Lemonade
Jennifer Wolfe
June 22, 2015Thank you, Sara. Wow-a whole trip without photos! That’s awesome…I don’t think I’ve ever done that myself. I’ll bet you were able to sink into each moment and really enjoy it. As kids get older they’re less and less patient with the parent photos anyways! Thanks so much for commenting today-great to hear from you!