Everyone Needs A Solo Staycation
It’s finally summer – teachers know that we’ve logged our hours towards summer vacation on all those afternoon unpaid meetings, late nights spent grading, weekends logged on to the computer creating lesson plans, and working through our lunch hours. One strategy I’ve used to keep centered as I raise two kids and teach middle school is the summer staycation. Staycations are another reason that summer isn’t just for vacation anymore!

I’ve got a great list of books I read in 2017 – http://jenniferwolfe.net/2018/01/the-best-books-of-2017.html
My summer staycation is solo – no kids or husband allowed. I build up to it each year, keeping a ‘to-do’ list of all those big projects I can’t seem to get around to while juggling my job, dinner, dishes, laundry and sports activities. Sometimes the list involves a big project – painting a room, re-doing the garden, or cleaning the carpets – and sometimes it’s a week of ticking off the myriad of organizing and tidying-up projects I’ve wanted to conquer since last August. Always it involves following a few simple rules to re-focus, re-group, and remember who I am.
Solo Staycation Rule #1: Be prepared.
The key to a successful solo staycation is to have an idea of what I want to spend time doing. Keeping a list during the school year helps me remember those nagging projects that would simplify my life cleaning out a memory chest, organizing the digital photos, or cleaning out the pantry, for example. Being prepared also sometimes involves scheduling some help – having a repair person come, or having a girlfriend spend an afternoon helping choose paint colors. Plus, checking off items on my list feels great!
Solo Staycation Rule #2: Stay home.
For me, staying home for a staycation means spending time alone. So much of a mom’s life involves serving others, so I take this time just for me. I try not to spend too much time socializing or shopping – I like to hunker down with a stack of magazines, some great novels, and the Oscar-winning movies I never saw, and just indulge myself. Staying home helps me focus on creating a happy home environment, and doesn’t break my budget!
Solo Staycation Rule #3: Plan each day.
I’m a natural planner – I like to accomplish tasks each day, and my staycation is no different. Without anyone else to take care of, my ‘me-time’ is drastically increased (no dishes or laundry, and the house stays clean!). The first day I tidy up like a whirlwind, leaving me hours of uninterrupted free time. Breaking down mornings and afternoons gives a little structure, and gets me off the lounge chair!
Solo Staycation Rule #4: Create a welcome
home celebration.
The key to repeated solo staycations is to ensure your loved ones know you missed them, and that you appreciate the time alone. Take the last day and cook a nice meal (with their favorite dessert), cut some fresh flowers, and update your Facebook status to elevate the excitement
of their return. Try this pasta recipe I demoed on TV a few months ago. The smiles on their faces when they walk through the
door will make you remember why you work so hard all year long!
Solo Staycation Rule #5: Don’t feel guilty.
Being a mom is easy – but being a great mom takes a huge amount of hard work. Don’t feel guilty about taking time for yourself – you will reap the rewards tenfold by having a more centered, positive, cheerful outlook after having spent some time just for you.
Comments: 3
Shane Naranjo
June 13, 2019It doesn’t hurt for mommies to give time for themselves. These are great tips!
Jennifer Wolfe
June 19, 2019Thanks for the comment. I hope you’re able to take some “me” time today!
Jeng Cruz
July 18, 2018Your last tip struck me the most. I’ve been longing to give myself a solo staycation for a while now but I feel like i’m running away from my mommy duties if I do that. Your tips are great thank you so much!