Old friends are just the best. It’s so easy to pick up where we left off, jump into conversation, and not have to do all the ‘getting to know you’ kind of talk. Especially when they’re really old friends-I’m talking nearly 30 years of friendship.
Old friends don’t judge. They take you for who and what you are, and know it has all come about from who and where you’ve been. In my mind’s eye, we haven’t changed that much. I don’t need a recent photo-we are still those girls in 1983 going off to college in our VW Things, ready to take on the books, the beach, and the boys-and not always in that order!
So when I met up with my old friend this week, we just picked right up where we left off. We looked into each other’s eyes and remembered living together, arguing with each other, and trying to understand how a Physics major and English major could possibly communicate with each other. We laughed about our adventures, and prayed that our own children won’t repeat our stupidity. We remembered the tears, the break ups, and the meals we shared as we ventured out into adulthood together.
But mostly I smiled, and laughed, and felt a deep sense of connection to my old friend, my confidant, my history keeper. And while our road trips together have been on hiatus for awhile, we know that one day we’ll jump into a convertible, put the top down, and cruise down to Baja just like the old days.
Old friends. They’re just the best, aren’t they?
Comments: 15
December 18, 2011Hi Ali! Funny that you noticed the jelly bag…I laughed when I saw that, too! I had forgotten all about them. They were great for going to the beach! Thanks for stopping by!
December 14, 2011I love this picture, especially the jelly bag to the left. There is nothing like an old friend. Over the years, I’ve come to admit/realize that my best friends are family. They are always there through thick and thin, know my weaknesses, and love me in spite of myself. Hang on to your dear friends and cherish them whether they be family or not. They are a rare find.
Ali from VB
December 14, 2011Hi Brenda~ I agree that Facebook makes it easy-sometimes too easy=to reconnect with your past!
AnneM~thank you! surely your blogging life isn’t a bore!
Hi Katya-thanks for following. Nostalgic is a good word-but we also like being together as adults, too!
Justin~I miss my Thing!
Hi Nishana- definitely friends are priceless!
Hi Lisa~thank you!
Hi Mommy LaDy~ Yes, I’m grateful that we are still connected, even though we live on opposite sides of the country.
Mommy LaDy Club
December 13, 2011What a great photo! How nice to have that connection still:)
December 13, 2011Congratulations on being a vB feature member this week! Love the photo!
December 12, 2011Priceless shot! Memories never die, especially if we had some old good friends, gifted precious moments in life, right?
Justin Cox
December 12, 2011That VW Thing photo is awesome!
Katya kate
December 12, 2011I’m a new GFC and G+ follower too, already followed your networked blog 🙂
Katya kate
December 12, 2011I’m with you, an old friend is like a fine wine, the older the better. Glad you found one, must be really nostalgic looking back at what you have gone through together. Visiting you back from vB. Have a great day!
December 11, 2011I love the way your write. And the best description you gave of a friend is as a “history keeper”. I couldn’t agree more! I have a few friends who know me well enough that they can probably write a book about me. Not that it would amuse anyone- my life is a bore.
December 11, 2011I never made ti to a reunion and lost contact with those friends, but I did recently connect with someone I worked with at the mall when I was in high school. It took a little work, but of course we have Facebook now. Once I found her sister the rest was easy. And yes, they are the best. Great photo..
December 10, 2011Hi Denise~ Great to hear a positive comment on high school reunions-so many people despise them!
Desiree~Thank you! I’m agree-standing the test of time couldn’t be a more accurate statement!
Lisa~ Welcome and thank you. Good friends are really amazing!
Lisa Cash Hanson
December 10, 2011New follower 🙂 Love your name moms need to be wolves LOL
I think teachers are the greatest gift to the world. I have a girlfriend we traveled the country together we can go months without talking and then get on the phone like not a day had passed . Nothing in the world like a good friend 🙂
December 10, 2011What a lovely post! In this fast paced world where everything changes daily, it’s good to be able to reconnect with the comfortable familiarity of an old friendship that has stood the test of time. Such a sweet photo of the two of you heading off to conquer the world.
Denise Gabbard
December 10, 2011I married my high school sweetheart, and 30 years later, we have three grown children and three grandkids… and a group of at least 30 “old friends”. Like most people, we lost touch with just about everybody, until a 25th Class Reunion brought us back together and we all wondered why the heck we didn’t hang out more often…so now our circle of friends has grown to include friends and family of our old friends…and we have great times!