I have made some very sassy blogger friends in the last few months. Fortunately, when you’re a grown woman being sassy doesn’t have the same negative connotation as when you were a kid and your mother sent you to your room for being fresh, impertinent or impudent (not that MY mother ever did that).
Grown woman sassy, in my opinion, is a very good thing. To me, grown woman sassy is a lady who knows what she thinks and isn’t afraid to say it. And mean it. Articulately. Persuasively. Maybe that’s why so many sassy women are bloggers. Sassy bloggers speak their minds in a bold and smart way, and readers can’t help but cheer them on.
One of my favorite sassy bloggers is Caffeinated OC Mommy. This woman uses language like a lethal weapon, and certainly has won my respect. Apparently I’ve won hers, too – she bestowed upon me the “Tell Me About Yourself” blog award. As sassy as she is, she’s making me follow her rules of acceptance:
- I must tell 7 things about myself
- I must pass it on to other deserving bloggers
Here goes:
* I’m only 5’2″. That might come as a surprise to some of my students, since hardly a day goes by when I’m not wearing heels. Not stilettos, mind you. I teach junior high. But a nice 2-3 inch wedge or platform puts me at least at eye level with most of my pupils, and that’s a very nice place to be. On those days when I just can’t wear them I stand on an upturned milk crate for most of my lesson.

* I’m raising two billingual kids. Sometimes making amends through our children for a life-not-lived is a positive thing. Going to an immersion school and speaking fluent Spanish isn’t a choice they got to make, but I know they’ll
thank me for it someday.
thank me for it someday.
* I’m a bibliophage. That’s new word I learned that means ‘an ardent reader or bookworm’. One of the smarter moves I ever made was to be an English major-what could be better for a bibliophage than to get to read great books, write and talk about them for two years straight? I always have a book to escape into-lately it’s been historical fiction that I read late at night.
* I’m a good northern California girl. I recycle, ride my bike, drive a hybrid, dislike mall shopping, eat organic produce and vote in every election.
And yes, I’m sassy too. I can’t help it. Maybe that’s why you read my blog.
So please take a moment and show some respect to these fellow bloggers-what goes around, comes around.
Comments: 21
December 6, 2011Hi Brenda~ thank you dear lady. You are right up there at the top of my sassy blogger list, too! I laughed at your DDD comment-I have never eaten biscuits at any of the restaurants from that show! Since I’ve had kids I’ve had to lower my standards to meet my pocketbook. 🙂
Hi Laura~ the smell of new books, and especially old books-nothing like it. How does a Kindle smell?
December 5, 2011Congratulations! How exciting and well-deserved. I am also an avid reader. Just the smell of new books gets me excited….
December 5, 2011I didn’t need you to tell you were sassy, honey, this much is clear. You are a fav to read and I thank my dear blogger pal, Michael Ann for introducting me to you. I am surprised by the 5’2”..(kidding). I am a food snob, so the diner guy and me don’t connect on a deep level. I don’t why, given my mother tried to force feed me biscuits and white gravey (gag times one hundred) when I was growing up.
December 4, 2011Hi Mommy LaDy~ I love it when tall women wear heels, too! Shows a lot of self confidence, IMO. I will drive a truck someday…on my bucket list for now!
Mommy LaDy Club
December 4, 2011I totally love that show Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives too! I watch it all of the time:) I also love to wear heels, but I’m 5’10”. Makes me super tall!;) I drove a 5 yard dump truck on a construction site for one of our home projects… it was seriously fun. You should really try the truck driving some day.
December 2, 2011Sherri- Great idea! Except my dog is so tiny he couldn’t see over the dashboard of a big rig!
Kathy~You’re welcome, and I feel the same way about you!
Rosann~heels are the ONLY way to go!What is it with the 5’2″ bloggers?
Jodi~ You’re welcome! You deserve it!
Amber-ok, this is getting weird. Another little sassy blogger?
Crystal~You’re the tall one in the bunch! You’re welcome!
December 2, 2011I LOVE books too, and I’m only 5’4″!
. . . And thank you so much for the award – You’re too sweet!
December 2, 2011I am 5’2”. I don’t think it is an issue except my husband is a foot taller then I am.
Jodi Aman
December 2, 2011Thanks for the award and the intro to all these other sassy bloggers! Love it! Come see what I did with it.http://healnowandforever.net/2011/12/01/today-it-is-all-about-me/
December 1, 2011What a great post. Congratulations on your award and I love the other bloggers you chose. All very sassy indeed. 🙂
Love that you’re a northern California girl. I used to be a southern California girl. For 18yrs. But that was a previous chapter in my life.
Oh…and I’m also a 5’2″ gal. Heels are fantastic, aren’t they?! 🙂
December 1, 2011Wow, you wanted to drive a big rig!! I would never have guessed that one! Congratulations on your award!! I love your site! Thanks so much for the shout out!! I really appreciate it, it’s been a while since someone called me sassy!!! Thanks for being a blog I always love to visit!
Sherri @ Woman's Best Friend
December 1, 2011what a fun idea. the first item on your list leads me to know that you are my kind of sassy lady! i’m right there with you — have seriously considered a truck driving career. with my dog. and on the wide open highway, day in and day out. you keep me posted and i’ll do the same 🙂
December 1, 2011Eslisabeth-you’re welcome! You deserve it!
MA-so many short lady bloggers…another post idea!
CassieMae-glad we have that in common.
Lacey-another petite lady blogger!
Hi Chuck-thanks!
Susan~I’m sure you’re amazing in the classroom-just like on your blog!
Lisa~I’m glad I could spread a little joy in your world. Sorry so sad!
Marcy-so glad to know another petite lady teacher blogger!
December 1, 2011Thanks so much for the award!
I could never drive a big truck. I once crashed into my garage while backing out with a regular car. Oh well. I’m 5’2″, too, and teach middle school. Quite a few of them are taller than I am.
lisa from insignificant at best
November 30, 2011Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I’ve been having the worst week and this just made it better. You’re the best!
Susan Kane
November 30, 2011You’d like to drive a big rig? All 5’2″ of you? I always said I wouldn’t teach middle school because the students were bigger than me. Well, I eventually teach 5-8th, because I was the same age as most of their grandmothers. That made up for the height.
Thanks for the award. Now I must think…
Chuck Baudelaire
November 30, 2011The upturned milk crate is a brilliant idea! Great job on the award!
November 30, 2011Hey Mama Congratulations!
Oh the amazing things you learn about people – and discover that you’ve got things in common with them! I’m 5’2″ also and find it extremely disconcerting that some of the 6-yr-olds I teach gymnastics to are nearly as tall as me. Unfortunately I can’t wear heals while doing gymnastics! 🙁 LOL!
And I’ve to say that meeting Joan Collins would have been super cool! And getting a signed photo… well if I had one, my mother might just kill me to take it!
Awesome post!
Cassie Mae
November 30, 2011I’m a bibliophage too!!!
Michael Ann
November 30, 2011Congrats and you definitely are the good kind of Sassy! I’m so glad we have gotten to know each other. (Let’s DO try to have coffee soon!!). Love learning new things about you! Short ladies unite!
Elisabeth Hirsch
November 30, 2011You are sooo sweet 🙂 Thank you.
P. S. How cool is that about Joan Collins!