– Zora Neale Hurston
Zora had a point. We all may start off each new year with our to-do and to-don’t lists, our resolutions, our diet plans, our financial makeovers, travel itineraries and dreams for the upcoming year, but somewhere things always seem to go a little off course.
There’s a reason why gym memberships and weight loss centers see a spike in memberships in January and a decline just a few months later. Humans just seem to operate that way. What seems ‘good’ or ‘right’ or ‘popular’ in one moment can quickly fade to black in another.
Today’s world is creating a culture that allows and even encourages shallow thinking. Instant messaging, texting, information at our fingertips and the ability to lose ourselves in games, videos and social media that we carry in our pockets fosters constant mind chatter. Working parents and over scheduled kids find it easier to succumb to these temptations, seduced by the images and messages of what ‘we’ should be like, look like, and act like. Sadly, many of these icons are just as lost as the people who are finding solace in their stories.
Perhaps what we need to do most is re-look at the way we see ourselves. By focusing on the ‘issues’ we see in our lives we deny the deeper, richer, more powerful parts to surface. Comparing ourselves to some media enhanced ideal of the perfect mother, father, parent, student, child, family or athlete surely places us in a state of lack. Instead, finding solitude and time alone may allow us to relax and listen for what is really meaningful and valuable, and give us a chance to question what is missing in our lives.
What if we intentionally go into this new year to either ask for questions or search for answers in our lives? What if we push aside all the lists and resolutions and instead resolve to look within? What if we spent 10 minutes a day on ourselves, in solitude, asking and listening for answers and resolving to trust in the messages we receive? What would happen? Would that be scary? What would shift in our lives?
This year, let’s set ourselves up for success. Throw out that resolution list and instead use that time to plan a daily session of solitude. Ask questions. Listen for the answers. Choose this year to be the one that makes a difference.
You might just amaze yourself.
Comments: 14
Jennifer Wolfe
January 16, 2012Hi Erin, You’re welcome. I’m glad you enjoyed it.
January 6, 2012Jennifer,
I love this post. Such very wonderful advice! You put it very well.
Thank you for sharing!
January 5, 2012Hi Cinthya~ Thanks for following mamawolfe!
Shannon- what a great expression-‘lean our ladder against our own wall.’ I love it!
Hi Perspective- I love having that solitude-I can feel it in my bones when I’m too occupied with other people. As a teacher and mom I’m always on demand, so quiet time is a must to keep me happy.
Hi Jill~ Thanks for visiting!
January 3, 2012Very inspiring:)
Jill from VB
Perspective Parenting
January 3, 2012This is perfect…and actually my resolution! 🙂 When I make time for meditation and solitude, I am much more balanced and whole. And when I actually question myself and allow myself to answer, I am the fuller and wiser. Good stuff!
Shannon Milholland
January 3, 2012Oh Jennifer, I just love this perspective to question, explore and most importantly be unafraid to lean our ladder against our own wall this year!
January 2, 2012Happy New Year. I’m a new follower from Sunday Social. Please visit me at http://www.eyeheart.ca/
January 2, 2012Hi Carla, Glad to hear you’re meditating…I agree about the ‘trek’ part-life always seems to be one journey after another! Thanks for stopping by!
Mrs. No-No
January 2, 2012awesome post!! i just started meditating (my personal daily solitude) earlier this year and i feel like i am constantly on a trek to shift my awareness. (:
happy new year to you!
stopping by from vb!
January 2, 2012Hi Nancy=thank you, and a happy new year to you, too!
Hi Brenda~I’ve been lax on my journaling, too. I hope that you are able to make the time for yourself…and happy new year to you, too.
Hi Elisa~ Right back at you-
Hi Inner Chick-thank you. I don’t see the point in reolutions for isolated tasks-never was good at keeping them.
My Inner Chick
January 2, 2012~~~Lovely post.
So much more creative than making a stupid resolution. :)) Xx
H A P P Y 2012.
Elisabeth Hirsch
January 1, 2012Such a great idea–you always inspire me!
I LOVE that quote :0)
January 1, 2012What appeals to me in this notion is the ten minutes I spend reflect can be rich and revealing. One thing I want to do is to spend 15 minutes a day in journal – not writing-writing, because I do this ALL THE TIME, but I want to write in my journal and do as you suggest. This is a powerful post (for me) as its calls to a side of me that craves those 10 minutes of reflection. Happy New Year, my dear, may it continue to be blessed.
Nancy @ A Rural Journal
January 1, 2012Very wise advice.
Wishing you a happy and healthy new year! xoxo