Last July I wrote a post about turning your dreams into realities. That was right before I set off on my trip to Indonesia, which brought some of my dreams about world travel to life.
Traveling to Indonesia per se wasn’t one of my dreams; rather, it was the embodiment of pushing myself forward into the universe and seizing opportunities that presented themselves to me. When I applied for and received the US Dept. of Education grant to study global education, teaching in a Muslim country was not on my radar. But as the chance to travel to a country I’ve never visited, and likely wouldn’t have chosen on my own, presented itself, I jumped in. I didn’t look for excuses not to, or reasons why I couldn’t go. I just did it.

Inside an Indonesian market
I started my blog in much the same way. Just decided to do it and began sharing my stories, thoughts, and life lessons through my words. I never thought much about blogging before that, but when the opportunity presented itself, I grabbed it.
I got hooked. Life hasn’t been the same since.
Blogging turned into a creative outlet, a launching pad for my dreams, and a platform to meet people all over the world. For an introvert like me, blogging created relationships with women I now can call friends.
Two of those women, Val and Kathy created a website, Bonbon Break, designed to provide a space to share their thoughts, wisdom, humor and ideas with like-minded women. When Kathy contacted me to be one of the first featured writers, I was thrilled to accept. Since then, we’ve grown our friendships and our websites and pushed ourselves forward.
This week I’ve written an original piece for BonBon Break, “Writing Well and the Readers Will Follow“. I hope you’ll jump over and take a look.
You never know what might be waiting there for you that you never imagined!
Comments: 7
What To Learn When You Want To Grow - mamawolfe
September 8, 2018[…] Blogging has turned into a big side job for me – it’s amazing how much I’ve had to learn about marketing, social media, and growing my professional networks. Read up on business skills online and with books. Find key business solutions that allow you to prevent fraud with Jumio’s Netverify or create a website with Wix. Scroll through blogs and even think about getting your MBA so that you could start off on your own. […]
Kellie Adkins
February 2, 2013Hi Jennifer,
Thank you for sharing such a lovely, inspiring piece! I love your blog + can’t wait to see what other adventures + dreams-come-true are on the horizon for you.
All the best,
Jennifer Wolfe
February 2, 2013Kellie, you’re welcome! I’m so thrilled you like the blog, and hope that you enjoy future posts. Great to hear from you – thanks for writing! ~Jennifer
Doreen Pendgracs
January 28, 2013Love your blog! and I know what you mean about loving to blog. I feel the same way. It is a medium that comes naturally to me, as I love telling and sharing stories. You might like to check out my post “born to blog” as you may be able to relate.
Thanks for finding me on Twitter. We’re now hooked up there and I’ve circled you on G+ as well.
Doreen Pendgracs recently posted…born to blog
Jennifer Wolfe
January 29, 2013Hi Doreen,
How nice it is to meet you, and thank you for your kind comments! Blogging is wonderful, isn’t it? I’ve used it with my students as well-I think kids are amazing at their ability to combine writing and technology. Thanks so much for taking the time to write, and I’ll definitely be visiting your post soon! -Jennifer
Kathy Radigan
January 28, 2013Jennifer thank you so much for writing such a beautiful piece for Bonbon Break! You are so right that you never know where your life will lead you or where it will continue to lead you. If someone told me two years ago I would be a Co-founder of an online magazine I would have thought they were crazy!! Especially since I didn’t even have an email address!
Getting to meet you and some of the other amazing women I have met while on this journey has been such pure joy. I still remember speaking to you about being a featured writer. You were the first person that Val and I enlisted and that will always mean the world to me! We were so excited to have a yes and from someone we so respected! I have loved reading about your journey and I love seeing your success! Much love friend!
Kathy Radigan recently posted…The Valentine’s Day Flu by Frugalista Blog
Jennifer Wolfe
January 29, 2013Kathy, thank you. I have learned so much from the blogging community, and women like you, who so graciously share their knowledge and passions. I, too, remember speaking with you on the phone one evening-it was amazing to connect, and it has just gotten better since. You and Val have much to be proud of – BonBonBreak is outstanding! Thanks so much for writing to me – Jennifer
Jennifer Wolfe recently posted…On Blogging, Friendships, and Seizing the Opportunity