“Mom, do you make New Year’s Resolutions?” my son quietly asked as we drove down Donner Summit.
I glanced over at his fuzzy head, his cheeks tinged pink from a morning of skiing. “No, not anymore. Why?”
The water of Donner Lake sparkled to our right. He hesitated before responding.
“Just wondering. Why not?”
“Well,” I hesitated, not wanting to dim his desire for goal setting before the new year has even hit. “I just got frustrated with them, especially when they didn’t turn out the way I wanted them to.”
He sat with that for a moment. “What do you do instead?”
“I choose a word instead – kind of a mantra for the year. That seems to work better for me,” I replied.
“Oh, that’s cool. What was your word for this year?” he quickly shot back.
“I had a hard time thinking of one, to be honest. It turns out that the word just sort of came to me, eventually.”
“Well…..” he pushed further. “What was it?”
My eyes stared forward, the snow and majesty of our location dimming. “Change,” I answered quietly. “This year was about change.” I could feel the tears welling in my eyes.
“Oh.” His mouth turned up into a sly smile. “I think my word for the year will be rambunctious.”
“Really?” It came out as sort of a sputter as I tried not to laugh.
“Yeah. Rambunctious. I don’t really know what it means, but I like the way it sounds,” he stated confidently. At least he could pronounce it, I thought.
“Why don’t you look it up first before you decide?” I replied, not so sure about his choice as the rigors of his new ski academy lifestyle flashed in contradiction.
I heard the unmistakable beep of his phone. “Siri, what does ‘rambunctious’ mean?” Oh right -he is fourteen, after all.
“Rambunctious. Difficult to control or handle. Wildly boisterous. Turbulently active or noisy,” Siri acknowledged in her methodically calm voice.
“Oh.” The smile slowly left his face. “Maybe I’ll think on that.”
“Yeah, think on that,” I echoed as we turned into the parking lot. “Let’s go get some lunch. You must be hungry”
Do you make New Year’s Resolutions? What word would you choose as your mantra for 2014?
Comments: 8
Imagine The Life You'd Love To Live, Then Live It - mamawolfe
January 5, 2015[…] not a New Year’s Resolution kind of person – to me, resolutions are just a trendy way to acknowledge all the things […]
No New Year's Resolutions - Just Courage - mamawolfe
January 1, 2015[…] don’t believe in New Year’s Resolutions – one only has to visit a health club in February to see my point. Resolutions don’t […]
My Best Life, January 2014 - mamawolfe
January 31, 2014[…] month when I feel like there are expectations galore. Although I’m not a voice for new year’s resolutions, there’s a tiny part of me that expects January to […]
Kate Hopper
January 4, 2014Jennifer, this is just beautiful. I’m sorry you had a rough year. I hope 2014 will be filled with joy. I look forward to reading your blog. (And thank you for visiting mine!)
Kate Hopper recently posted…Comment on skiing, reading, and e-books by Kate
Jennifer Wolfe
January 4, 2014Kate, thank you for your kind words. Sometimes years are like that; I feel as if this year brings so much promise after the bleakness of 2013. I’m working through your book right now, and am excited for what 2014 will bring! Thank you for stopping by. ~Jennifer
January 2, 2014[…] moved here […]
My Inner Chick
January 1, 2014“”CHANGE” I Like! Perfect.
I love the idea of a word. Mine is “Surrender.” Surrender it all to God.
I too, do not make resolutions, but this year I did: to walk everyday for 30 min. It’s realistic anyhow. Right?
Happy 2014 Mama W. xx
My Inner Chick recently posted…21 Things I’ve Learned in 2013 & Other Stuff
Jennifer Wolfe
January 1, 2014Surrender…I like that. Change was last year, and I’m hoping a new word surfaces for this year. 2013 wasn’t my favorite year of all time…and thank you, thank you for all your support, Kim. Wishing you the happiest year ever!