Do you struggle with boundaries?
This morning I woke up to a tweet from one of my favorite educators, Pernille Ripp. She asked, “What is one thing do you to take care of yourself as an educator?”
I was the first to respond.
I quickly tweeted, “Set strong boundaries between home and school”, and she immediately replied, “I need to do that”.
Wait – what? Does this educator/mom/ author agree with me? I just assumed someone as accomplished as she would have figured that out, but then, I remembered – when my kids were young, it seemed impossible to set (let alone keep) those boundaries.
Teaching can feel like a 24/7 job.
And while dedicated educators always seem to have their next-most-awesome lesson idea simmering in the back of their mind, or are hoping that one special kid has a decent afternoon/night/weekend and comes back to school the next day, just like the old cliche about the oxygen mask, we really MUST practice strong self-care to be at our best for our life-altering jobs as educators.
Life can be tough, there’s no denying it. There are so many negative things in the world that can really get us down – even turning the tv on nowadays is depressing enough. Having said that, there are also so many incredible things around us that unfortunately, we miss because we are so preoccupied with the bad, but that’s where we need to focus and engage. Don’t let yourself be consumed by things that don’t deserve your time and attention. Instead, learn to unwind and do something that is worthwhile, like finding a hobby – something that you are truly passionate about.
It didn’t take teachers long to share their self-care tips; here are some of the best ideas:
Creating Art
Art is a tool that allows us to capture things and freeze them in time, in our own unique way. The beauty of this is that there aren’t any rules. Essentially you can do whatever you like, and no one can tell you whether it’s right or wrong, because that just doesn’t exist. You are in total control of what you do, so let your creative juices flow out onto a blank canvas with colorful paints and see what you’re able to create. Free your hands from tension and let them sculpt and mold clay into a structure that makes sense to you. – Whatever your form and medium may be, express whatever you are feeling at the time. Be honest and open, as that is when true magic happens.
Listening and Playing Music
Music is a beautiful thing that not only stimulates our ears but our soul. It has the strength to bring back fond memories from a time that feels like centuries ago, even smelling the air from that very day. It’s exceptional, and it helps us to get through some of the best times, and some of the worst times in our lives. So think about being able to create that very same experience by playing an instrument yourself. It doesn’t have to be as hard as you may imagine either, for example, there are sites out there like that give access to what you need so that to play your favorite tunes. Why not stretch a bit, explore the world of music and pick up an instrument?
Read, Read, Read
Reading is an underrated hobby that everyone should adopt. It allows us to delve into a world that is so different to our own, giving us the chance to live vicariously through the characters in books. People don’t realize how far stories can take them until they pick one up, only to find themselves not being able to put it down unless absolutely necessary. It’s a way of escaping reality for a while and drift off somewhere else. The best thing about it is the fact that reading can happen anywhere: on the sofa at home, on a bench in the park, under a tree in the forest, on the bus to a destination, in the bath eating strawberries, or in bed snuggled up (my favorite).
Another one of my favorite educators, Kelly Hilton (a co-creator of #hyperdocs), shared this hyperdoc lesson focused on TEACHERS, not students – but I can see the possibilities for making it apply to kids, too. Heck, every person who struggles with boundaries could benefit!
Why not share this with your teaching staff/friends/favorite educators who need a reminder to find ordinary things in life to discover the extraordinary pleasures that are right in front of us?
Click HERE to make a copy of Kelly’s “Self-Care for Educators” hyperdoc, including a self-care plan, compassion-satisfaction-fatigue self-test, and self-care ideas.
What do you do to practice self-care and set boundaries between work and your personal life? Please share your tips below, or tweet me at @mamawolfeto2.
I’d love to learn from you, too!
Comments: 4
Distance Teaching & Learning: The 4c's for Making It Successful - mamawolfe
August 2, 2020[…] need to feel supported. They need to learn self-care strategies, how to set work/home boundaries, how to develop routines, and where to share their glows and […]
Kelly Hilton
April 15, 2018Thank you, Jenn, for writing this post and for sharing the self-care HyperDoc! You are right on! These are great suggestions for educators and I’m going to add your blog to the resources on the HyperDoc!
As teachers, we struggle with boundaries because we want to do it all and to be there for everyone in our lives. With full classrooms of students, their families, our families, and friends, it sometimes feel impossible to take time for ourselves. Blogs like this are a great reminder to all of us to find the balance. Thank you for supporting all educators by sharing these ideas!
April 15, 2018This is so true of many professions. I am a nurse and it is so easy to be in ‘nurse-mode’ all the time.
Your suggestions are spot on. I can’t imagine how I would decompress without writing, reading or painting.
Julie Jo Severson
April 15, 2018Hi Jennifer. I’m not a teacher, but I’m awful at self-care and need constant reminders like this. Giving myself time for creative endeavors helps a lot. I would be lost without the time I spend writing. And music–almost nothing calms me more than certain songs. Thanks for the wonderfully positive post!