A Leap of Faith

Posted on March 11, 2014 by

I don’t know if it’s just that time of the year that I’m feeling particularly vulnerable – maybe it’s more that time of life, that middle space where what always seemed so probable and certain has suddenly shifted. I’m feeling all at once teetering between so many worlds, so many lives, that every time I plant my feet down they sink, just the slightest bit – but not in a solid, comforting kind of way. In kind of a tenuous kind of way; that shifting of the sands of time that have always, always left me feeling hesitant towards change.

And everywhere I turn, the universe seems to be whispering to me. “Take a leap of faith, dear” swirls around my head in gossamer thin threads, taunting me to listen. It sings to me as I watch my daughter open college acceptance letters, and when she smiles, I know it’s time. It calls to me when I reunite with my son, after many days apart, and when he hugs me in his awkward teenage way, I know it’s near. I feel the vibration of change, that rhythmic sort of shudder that starts in my core and travels up my spine to rest in my head-where I promptly brush it off, dreaming for just one second that life will stay the same.

But I know that’s impossible.

This is the time of life when a leap of faith is the only available form of transportation. It’s the time to dream, to imagine, and to believe in possibility. It’s the time to run, skip, jump…to believe in what was meant to be, and to trust that what I open my heart and mind to will manifest.

It’s time to take a giant leap of faith, and hope for a soft landing.

Jennifer Wolfe

Jennifer Wolfe, a writer-teacher-mom, is dedicated to finding the extraordinary in the ordinary moments of life by thinking deeply, loving fiercely, and teaching audaciously. Jennifer is a Google Certified Educator, Hyperdoc fanatic, and a voracious reader. Read her stories on her blog, mamawolfe, and grab free copies of her teaching and parenting resources.

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Comments: 5

  • Shahzad

    May 25, 2024

    Jennifer, your words beautifully capture the bittersweet essence of change. Embracing these transitions with faith and hope resonates deeply. Your journey through this “middle space” is inspiring, reminding us all to trust the process and embrace possibilities.
    Shahzad recently posted…Beginner Drawing TechniquesMy Profile

  • Brenda

    March 12, 2014

    I sometimes wonder if it’s a leap of faith or reckless abandonment that pushes us onward. I’m not sure I think change smells like death, but I do know it can render a person immobile. Sometimes change is as simple as going left instead or right or trying something as crazy as trusting the writer hiding inside of you… you;ve been down this path before.
    Brenda recently posted…Keeping FaithMy Profile

    • Jennifer Wolfe

      March 13, 2014

      Yes, Brenda. This path is familiar. In some ways that makes it easier- but the degree of change before me does make me want to hide under the covers occasionally. I miss you and hope a springtime afternoon will find us in the same location- soon!

    • Jennifer Wolfe

      March 13, 2014

      Hmmm….smell or small? They do feel as if things slip away, and I’m hoping that with taking a leap, I’m headed in the right direction. So glad to hear from you, Kim!

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