What Are Your Early Morning Rituals? How To Wake Up Right
I’m not much interested in New Year’s Resolutions – I’ve written before about my preference for following a mantra for the year and seeing how it unfolds rather than creating some arbitrary list of actions that, if I don’t complete, will make me feel worse than I did when I started. One new year ritual I do follow, however, is starting a morning book as one of my early morning rituals. This year I chose Jennifer Louden’s A Year of Daily Joy: A Guided Journal to Creating Happiness Every Day. It’s a book I’ve used before but never quite finished, but since our Universe somehow keeps on spinning, I’m able to start again. Fresh. So on January 7, when the prompt was to think and write about my early morning rituals I felt inspired – actually, I felt like I was going in the right direction, since before I turned to the page, I had already been musing about how I love what I do in the early morning that helps me wake up right and have a happy day.
My early morning rituals include…
- Going to bed early. Yes, starting the day off right means getting to bed early the night before. Years ago when the kids were little I’d fall asleep next to them, so exhausted from days of mothering and teaching I couldn’t wait to snuggle up with my head on a soft pillow, knowing that sleep would be interrupted but oh, so heavenly while it lasted. Now, with young adults living at home and out of state, I could stay awake as late as their body clocks want them to, but I’ve found that falling asleep by 9:30 p.m. (and setting an alarm for their curfew as needed) affords me at least 7-8 hours of good quality sleep. Oh – and no screen time after 9 helps immensely, too!
- Waking up to an open window and natural sunlight. During the work week, I wake up at 5:30 a.m. Yes – it’s dark, but having my bedroom window cracked just a little bit not only keeps me cool all night but also allows nature sounds to be my wake up call. Just this morning I was greeted by a lovely owl announcing itself, and doves cooing on my back fence while finches chattered on the bare tree branches. Getting up early to see the dawn break over the treetops while listening to my live nature soundtrack reminds me of my small place in this great big world, and is one of my favorite early morning rituals – even in the cold California winter months!
- Candlelight. I love lighting one, two, or sometimes three candles when I wake up. Easing myself into the light of day with natural sunlight and the flicker of meditative candlelight allows my mind to rest, to contemplate and prepare for the busy day ahead.Coffee. I had to add this one – for me, having moments alone with my first sips of a warm coffee with cream in my favorite mug is such a simple pleasure; I feel so strongly about my early morning ritual of calm and coffee that I travel with my own portable french press and favorite beans – there’s always hot water in hotel rooms, and it’s so much better to honor my need for caffeine than put up with a poor substitute.
- Calm.com. Have you heard of the website calm.com? It’s full of beautiful, meditative music and visuals that I not only use in my early morning rituals, but my middle school students love it as well! You can use the app or desktop version, and I love being able to set a meditation timer or just let the music play softly in the background as I go about my rituals.
- Writing and gratitudes. I can’t remember a time when I didn’t have some sort of journal…I’ve handwritten decades of my life in spiral notebooks and cloth bound books, telling stories and sharing memories, documenting quotes, writing to do lists and always starting with gratitudes. I try to write at least five gratitudes every morning – some days, yes, it is challenging to not fall back on those deep core values, but on those days when I am digging deep and reminded of the power of love, home, kindness, and nature, I know I have at least started my day remembering that some things never change. Lately, I’ve been adding a focus for the day – at least one daily goal that I can achieve.
As the season change and my life evolves, my early morning rituals adjust with the times. No longer do I find myself nursing a baby while balancing a steaming mug, or being jolted awake and rushing to a ski hill. This time of life is evolving towards more time for self-care, allowing for more choice and control over how I start my day. Surprisingly, my core early morning rituals still hold up…calm, quiet, nature, soft light, coffee and gratitudes are what start each day off right for me. Bringing positive early morning rituals into your day is one way I know for sure to go out into the world ready to make a difference.
What are your early morning rituals? Do you find they change and evolve, or are you, like me, holding onto what is tried and true?
Comments: 5
Michael Ann
January 30, 2019This article was so peaceful to read! Your early morning rituals sound lovely. I have to be at work at 7:30 so I get up at 5:00 to give myself plenty of time to move through the morning slowly 😉 I shower, feed the cats, and have coffee while checking the internet (with one cat on my lap after he eats!). Then I have to get up and feed the rabbits, let the chickens out, scoop out the litter box, get dressed… the second half of the morning is busier but I do love connecting with all the animals. Makes me feel like I live on a farm and am more connected with nature and the Earth. I used to journal a lot, but no longer do. However, I really love the idea of writing down gratitudes. Thank you for the idea!
February 12, 2018Wow. Lighting a candle. I’ve been reading so many blogs on the internet to extract best practices of early morning routine. This one is the best and most innovative. Lighting a natural light clubbed with sunlight is a great way of springing back to life on a new day’s start.
How To Maximize Online Learning As An Adult - mamawolfe
February 4, 2018[…] Just because you study over the internet, it doesn’t mean you can forgo a schedule. Make sure you wake up on time so that you have plenty of time to get ready for your online lessons (much like you would if […]
January 26, 2018Thanks Jennifer, I really appreciated your list. Early nights is tricky right now with a one year old, but hopefully soon I’ll regain my sleep! 🙂
As you say, starting the day with gratitude is essential. I keep a journal and first thing in the morning I jot down three things:
I am grateful for…
The way in which I’ll make today great is…
A positive affirmation
So far, it’s been helping.
Neve x
Jennifer Wolfe
January 29, 2018Neve,
I so remember those days, and love knowing that you’re practicing gratitudes through them! I struggled when my children were small – you’re definitely awesome! I love the three things you write down – what great ideas! Thanks so much for sharing, and I wish you great times and good sleep!