Lesson Plan for the Occupiers

Posted on December 5, 2011 by

Still making news, the Occupy movement hasn’t fallen victim to a lack of media coverage.  According to the Sacramento Bee last week, “nearly three fifths of voters” agree with the cause.  I count myself as part of this cohort-I believe strongly in changing the inequities our country is creating.  I also find myself in the 99%. 

Our local Occupy campsite

But even though I am cheering on their message, I feel like the movement isn’t pushing forward in the best way possible to enact change.  Being the type-A-semi-control-freak teacher that I am, I’ve created a lesson plan for the Occupiers to follow.  Welcome to my classroom!

Rationale:  To win over people to the side of the 99%

Essential Question: How can the Occupy Movement share their message and persuade those people ‘on the fence’ to join the cause?

Activate Prior Knowledge:  Remember Martin Luther King Jr.?  He had a cause.  He created a national movement to promote his message using nonviolence.  If MLK had destroyed property or used violence to get his word out he would have only succeeded in pissing people off, not making them think.

Step 1:  Decide that it’s more productive to be peaceful.  If Occupy’s objective is to change people’s thinking, they need to win people over. According to the Sacramento Bee’s article on Nov. 29, “49% said they don’t identify much with Occupy protesters.”  The old saying, “You can catch more flies with honey than vinegar” comes to mind here-the people who need to be persuaded aren’t the types that think violent activism is ok.  The people who need to be persuaded are most likely 60 years of age or older, reasonably educated and have access to the media.  They also have money-they’re the 1%, right?  In the same article, “nearly one third of Republicans said they agree with the reason behind” the Occupy Movement.  These people otherwise might agree with the Occupy message, but don’t like seeing the destructiveness of the protesters.  This might not be the time for anarchists.  Power to the peaceful.

Step 2:  Focus the message.  One of the basic elements of persuasion is to have a strong thesis.  Maybe there needs to be a few key, clear outcomes identified that become slogans.  I know the basic idea behind the movement, but do you know how the success will be measured?  I don’t.  The homeless population, the pepper spraying, and the college protests have all diluted and divided what they want to say.  While all good symbols, the message is muddled.  Instead of fighting and protesting in the dark at the campsites, perhaps they could try to occupy when more people can see them in action.

Step 3:  Choose your enemies carefully.  Be cautious not to attack the 1% in total.  Some of those 1%ers may actually be interested in making change happen, too.  According to a field poll taken Nov. 14-27, 56% of those earning $100,000 or more agreed with the reason behind the Occupy movement.  Make sure there is room for everyone to join and feel like they fit in.  Name calling and stereotyping everyone in the 1% may just alienate people who would otherwise mobilize towards the cause.

Closure:   Think about what the movement is all about.  Do protesters want to be right or make change?  Remember, no one wants to go out and be pushed, shoved, or pepper sprayed.  The media is looking for sensation, but is that going to strengthen the message and make things happen?  Power to the peaceful.  Focus.  Make friends not enemies. 

Are there any questions?

Jennifer Wolfe

Jennifer Wolfe, a writer-teacher-mom, is dedicated to finding the extraordinary in the ordinary moments of life by thinking deeply, loving fiercely, and teaching audaciously. Jennifer is a Google Certified Educator, Hyperdoc fanatic, and a voracious reader. Read her stories on her blog, mamawolfe, and grab free copies of her teaching and parenting resources.

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Friday Photo: Giving Thanks

Posted on December 2, 2011 by

Yes, I know it’s the first week of December, not the third Thursday in November.  Today’s Friday Photo has no turkeys, pumpkins, corn or cranberries.  There’s nothing here that looks similar to a traditional thanks-giving post.  But that’s exactly what it is.  These photos of my son were taken by my dear uncle the day before Thanksgiving as we walked around our neighborhood, looking for nothing in particular.  What makes them so special to me are the memories that lie within them.  You see, this year my son anticipated the arrival of our out-of-town family members like it was the night before Christmas.  He couldn’t stop talking about how much fun it was on Thanksgiving because everyone was together, it was warm, cozy, and just felt great.  He couldn’t wait to go geocaching with his aunts, uncles and cousins.  He knew board games in front of the fire were a sure thing.  And of course, the dogs.  Lots of new dogs to cuddle made him a very happy guy.
So today, I’m giving thanks for all that and more.  I’m giving thanks for family that likes to be together and feels comfortable around each other.  I’m giving thanks for a safe and peaceful home where everyone gathers.  I’m giving thanks for abundant feelings of love and support from people near by and far away.  And I’m giving thanks for C-Fly, who teaches me every day that it doesn’t take a holiday to remember what a lucky mom I truly am.

Jennifer Wolfe

Jennifer Wolfe, a writer-teacher-mom, is dedicated to finding the extraordinary in the ordinary moments of life by thinking deeply, loving fiercely, and teaching audaciously. Jennifer is a Google Certified Educator, Hyperdoc fanatic, and a voracious reader. Read her stories on her blog, mamawolfe, and grab free copies of her teaching and parenting resources.

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Sassy Lady Bloggers

Posted on November 30, 2011 by

I have made some very sassy blogger friends in the last few months.  Fortunately, when you’re a grown woman being sassy doesn’t have the same negative connotation as when you were a kid and your mother sent you to your room for being fresh, impertinent or impudent (not that MY mother ever did that).
Grown woman sassy, in my opinion, is a very good thing.  To me, grown woman sassy is a lady who knows what she thinks and isn’t afraid to say it.  And mean it.  Articulately. Persuasively.  Maybe that’s why so many sassy women are bloggers.  Sassy bloggers speak their minds in a bold and smart way, and readers can’t help but cheer them on.
One of my favorite sassy bloggers is Caffeinated OC Mommy.  This woman uses language like a lethal weapon, and certainly has won my respect.  Apparently I’ve won hers, too – she bestowed upon me the “Tell Me About Yourself” blog award.  As sassy as she is, she’s making me follow her rules of acceptance:

  1. I must tell 7 things about myself
  2. I must pass it on to other deserving bloggers  
Here goes:
* I like to drive.  Before I had kids, I once considered being a big rig driver-it sounds so cool to drive across the country, pull over and sleep right in your cab, and hit the road again.  Maybe someday when I’m done driving my kids all over California I’ll consider this as a new career.
*  I’m only 5’2″.  That might come as a surprise to some of my students, since hardly a day goes by when I’m not wearing heels.  Not stilettos, mind you. I teach junior high.  But a nice 2-3 inch wedge or platform puts me at least at eye level with most of my pupils, and that’s a very nice place to be.  On those days when I just can’t wear them I stand on an upturned milk crate for most of my lesson.
*  I’m addicted to “Diners, Drive Ins and Dives”.  I love eating at low key, local joints whenever I go somewhere. In fact, I have an app on my phone that will show me wherever Guy Fieri has visited in any city.  I make a point to check them out, and so far I haven’t been disappointed.
*  I’m raising two billingual kids.  Sometimes making amends through our children for a life-not-lived is a positive thing.  Going to an immersion school and speaking fluent Spanish isn’t a choice they got to make, but I know they’ll
thank me for it someday. 

*  I’m a bibliophage.  That’s new word I learned that means ‘an ardent reader or bookworm’.  One of the smarter moves I ever made was to be an English major-what could be better for a bibliophage than to get to read great books, write and talk about them for two years straight? I always have a book to escape into-lately it’s been historical fiction that I read late at night.
*  I’m a good northern California girl.  I recycle, ride my bike, drive a hybrid, dislike mall shopping, eat organic produce and vote in every election. 
*  I once met Joan Collins on the set of “Dynasty”.  She was sassy, skinny, and seriously made up.  I still have the 8×10 black and white glossy she signed with a Sharpie.  I might just have to sell it on eBay one of these days. 
And yes, I’m sassy too.  I can’t help it.  Maybe that’s why you read my blog.
So please take a moment and show some respect to these fellow bloggers-what goes around, comes around.

Funny The World
The Contemplative Cat
Insignificant At Best
My Dishwasher’s Possessed
Too Timid and Squeamish
Heal Now And Forever
Sooo Big
Mental Chew
The Crazy Life of a Writing Mom

Jennifer Wolfe

Jennifer Wolfe, a writer-teacher-mom, is dedicated to finding the extraordinary in the ordinary moments of life by thinking deeply, loving fiercely, and teaching audaciously. Jennifer is a Google Certified Educator, Hyperdoc fanatic, and a voracious reader. Read her stories on her blog, mamawolfe, and grab free copies of her teaching and parenting resources.

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Sharing Sunday-guest post at Mental Chew

Posted on November 29, 2011 by

One of my favorite aspects of blogging is meeting new people from all over the world, and sharing stories, ideas and perspectives with each other.  Recently I found the blog Mental Chew and was instantly charmed by her beautiful photos, recipes, gardening tips and thoughts about life in the Pacific Northwest.  According to her bio, “Mental Chew is really about taking a little time to think before we eat.”  And even better-she’s a middle school teacher, just like me!  Please take a moment and read my guest post on Mental Chew’s Sharing Sunday series-you’ll get a glimpse of my life in northern California.
Here’s a sampling:

“Spend a weekend in Davis and you won’t be disappointed. A small university town located in between the Pacific Ocean and the Sierras, Davis is a magical place to live. Come take a Saturday morning walk with me and I’ll show you what I mean!”

To continue on my photo journey, head over to Mental Chew.  While you’re there, check out all that her blog has to offer-there’s plenty!

So go on, take a look.  Why not?

Jennifer Wolfe

Jennifer Wolfe, a writer-teacher-mom, is dedicated to finding the extraordinary in the ordinary moments of life by thinking deeply, loving fiercely, and teaching audaciously. Jennifer is a Google Certified Educator, Hyperdoc fanatic, and a voracious reader. Read her stories on her blog, mamawolfe, and grab free copies of her teaching and parenting resources.

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What’s Really Happening Here At UC Davis?

Posted on November 23, 2011 by

While my 8th grade students are learning about the Constitution, the Bill of Rights and the American Revolution, history is being made right in front of us.  Colonists, in the form of UC Davis students, are rebelling against the Red Coats, in the form of the administration and the government. And just like in the Revolution, it all started with a shot heard round the world. Only this time the shot came from a can of pepper spray.

What began on Nov. 15 as a peaceful Occupy UCD protest on the university quad climaxed as a violent confrontation between students and police. Students, tired of being “taxed” for their education, revolted against their oppressors, the “government.”  They organized and chanted: “Black, brown, Asian, White, 99 percent unite”. The problem is, as they organized, they did not count on the 50-plus police officers turning their revolution into a full-fledged attack.

Armed only with signs proclaiming “Beat Wall Street Not Students” and “People Over Profit,” students occupied administration buildings the first day and then the quad the next. They were asked to leave, but they didn’t, so they were arrested. And as they sat peacefully, they were systematically doused with yellow flumes pepper spray. With their message clear, the police then dispersed, leaving students in pain and confusion.

And now I’m confused.  What really is happening here? Students and professors acted within their rights to peacefully assemble and voice their freedom of speech on their campus that they have paid inflated prices to attend. Aren’t the salaries of these officers paid by the students whom they are supposed to protect?

Everyone knows the status of public education in California. There’s not enough money to run programs, pay salaries, or equip facilities to meet 21st century standards.  Protest chants of “Education must be free, no cuts, no fees” have been shouted by university students and professors trying to get their message out. And in return, they are silenced with spray?

Who is leading this revolution? How can the tables turn from a peaceful protest to police intervention?
Police are not supposed to be part of the problem. If seated students linking arms are not breaking the law, don’t spray them. If they are breaking the law, then why did the police spray and then leave the scene?

Where have the students’ rights gone? Systematically arresting students would seem to both acknowledge their rights to occupy their own campus as well as send a message to others to disperse or accept the consequences. Where are the people’s rights over profit here?

Maybe the police didn’t count on the students’ ability to fight back with media. Armed with cell phones and video cameras, our tech-savvy citizens’ ability to tweet and harness the power of the web provided them invaluable ammunition to their fight. The cameras do not lie — they are just another tool for nonviolent protestors to gather their troops and spread the word.  The Red Coats are coming. Link together. Stand strong in the face of oppressors.

So now we prepare for a revolution with the real message becoming lost in the muddle of the war. The issue is far from over.  The troops are now strategizing, both sides arming themselves and readying to launch a new offensive. And as Patrick Henry tried to teach us over 300 years ago, “The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people; it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government-lest it come to dominate our lives and interests.”

Maybe everyone should sit down together on the grass for a minute and think about that.

Jennifer Wolfe

Jennifer Wolfe, a writer-teacher-mom, is dedicated to finding the extraordinary in the ordinary moments of life by thinking deeply, loving fiercely, and teaching audaciously. Jennifer is a Google Certified Educator, Hyperdoc fanatic, and a voracious reader. Read her stories on her blog, mamawolfe, and grab free copies of her teaching and parenting resources.

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