“I think these difficult times have helped me to understand better than before how infinitely rich and beautiful life is in every way and that so many things that one goes around worrying about are of no importance whatsoever.” – Isak Dinesen
Something to think about…
What are you spending your energy worrying about, instead of noticing the richness and beauty of life right around you?
Comments: 4
Gina Stoneheart
September 23, 2013My mother has been sick for a couple of years now so I often find myself submerged in worry some acts of love. A recent trip to Maine reminded me about the simplicity and beauty in nature as well as the people and world around us. I’ve made a promise to try and not dwell in my sorrows and instead, leave my worries in the capable hands of God. Thank you for sharing this.
Jennifer Wolfe
September 23, 2013Gina, your promise is so sound…looking for the positive, for gratitude, everywhere we go, can only move us forward toward the beauty in life. Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts. ~Jennifer
September 22, 2013I haven’t had time to worry too much lately. The new job is keeping me busier than I want to be, honestly. My nights and weekends are spent writing. I’ve had to let go of a steady kind of harmony for a while. Worry… not so much these days. I did plenty of that while I was working for the criminals and looking for a job. Glad that’s behind me.
Brenda recently posted…Never My Love
Jennifer Wolfe
September 23, 2013Brenda, your life is certainly full these days. Keeping busy does have its benefits! Take care, and thanks for taking time to share your thoughts. ~Jennifer