I’d been driving in the dark for only about five minutes when I realized I never took her picture in front of her new house. Or in her new bedroom. Or her kitchen. Or her yard.
And I started to cry as I watched the lights of Salt Lake City fade in my rear view mirror.
Leaving her at college the second time wasn’t easier – it was just different.
I wanted to believe my friends who said not to worry, that the freshman year is the hardest. I wanted to believe that I could leave her this year and I would be OK with it.
I wanted to believe that I could do this part of ordinary, everyday life, without breaking down.
Turns out, I couldn’t.
It all went pretty well for the days leading up to the ‘last’ day. I’d occasionally have to bite my lip when the thoughts of leaving her all those miles away crept into my brain – like when we were in the housewares section of Target and all I really needed to do was find a curtain rod, and instead, I found the overwhelm of this phase of life smashing my heart to pieces.
It made me feel dumb. Weak. Not at all like the confident woman I am most of the time.
When it comes to leaving my children, I find my kryptonite.
The second year is different; gone is the security of dropping her into a dorm where there are RAs and reasonable expectations. The second year means she’s on her own – her own house, her own food, her own hours.
Suddenly she’s thinking about Costco and stocking up on food. She’s wondering where she’ll find a laundromat, and how many baking sheets she’ll need to furnish her kitchen. She’s suddenly confronted with deciding on a major, finding a job and roommates.
The second year no one is watching her.
The second year the adrenaline is gone.
The second year she’s on her own – unless she calls for help.
Sunrise Over Salt Flats
It’s been a couple of weeks since I backed out of her driveway and made my way across the desert, through the mountains and back home. I’ve been able to walk through her bedroom door, pick up her discarded socks and make her bed. I’m thinking of moving a few things around in there, actually. I don’t think she’ll be back around long enough to care.
She’s sent some photos of her new bedroom – photos are hung on the walls, and the duffel bags are all unpacked. She seems comfortable. I’m relieved to see the carbon monoxide detector we bought her is still plugged in – I know she thought we were crazy, but our girl in a basement apartment? Imagine the dangers…
Life seems to be settling down a little bit; last night she sent photos of her homemade pizza dinner, and today, a quick Snapchat from the Farmer’s Market – I could see she had a bag of fresh corn in her hand, both eerily familiar to the patterns she left back at home.
I still keep my phone on at night. I still smile when I get a text or an Instagram glimpse into her world, but now, after collapsing back into my old routines, I’m second guessing myself. Maybe this second year she will be OK – even if no one is watching her. Maybe the adrenaline will be replaced with pride. Maybe, on her own, she’ll remember what we taught her after all. And maybe she won’t even need to call for help – she’ll just let us know how extraordinary her ordinary life is, back in college for her second year.
I wondered if I could do this ordinary, everyday life, without breaking down. Without her.
Turns out, maybe I can.
Comments: 11
When You Have A Junior In College
January 18, 2017[…] her ‘making’ it academically – she seemed to have the school part under control. When you have a sophomore in college there are a few perks. While my nervousness about the day-to-day activities decreased, my curiosity […]
Is Your Kid Going Away To College? - mamawolfe
August 18, 2016[…] after the parent letter, I wrote about how absolutely emotional it was leaving her at college the second year – knowing she had her own house and was feeling overwhelmed with installing curtain rods and […]
You Should Go Home To Yourself - mamawolfe
July 12, 2016[…] recently returned from a stay at my daughter’s new home in Salt Lake City. This is her third year living there, her first summer completely living away from home. Well, our home […]
My Favorite Moments of 2015-A Year In Photos - mamawolfe
January 31, 2016[…] most days I dislike the fact that my daughter moved to Utah to go to college, when her photographer boyfriend sends me these shots, I can’t help but smile. Can you see […]
The Reasons Why I Didn't Write A Book Last Summer - mamawolfe
September 9, 2015[…] before I knew it we were loading the rental car, driving across the desert and depositing Lily back at school – this time in a house. We spent a few days shopping and unpacking and hiking and laughing […]
Kathy Radigan
September 7, 2015A part of me just wanted to ignore everything you so beautifully wrote because my time of letting my first bird fly the nest if coming so quickly!! In just two years I will be dropping of my son and it just kills me. I know that is what they are supposed to do, and I’m thrilled for your daughter and for you. You have done your job and she is finding her own way. All wonderful things. But it is bittersweet! Thank you! xo
Kathy Radigan recently posted…Thank You Twin A
Jennifer Wolfe
September 7, 2015Like many parts of parenting, the ‘what ifs’ will drive you crazy. There was a certain comfort in knowing where she would be, what her school was like and how far she’d have to travel to come home. The ache of not having her here for family dinners, walks for coffee, watching her pole vault or ski and making a mess in the kitchen is by far the most challenging part of it all. You’ll make it through, somehow. I’m sure of that.
My Inner Chick
September 4, 2015–I’m not sure if it gets easier.
We just learn, somehow, to adjust to a new life, that
empty space.
xx kiss from MN.
My Inner Chick recently posted…My Husband Loves Soccer More Than Me!
Jennifer Wolfe
September 5, 2015That empty space is what kills me- miss having my girl around. Thanks for the hugs.
September 3, 2015“easier just different” is exactly how a very close friend of mine here in town described taking her daughter for her second year. I loved reading your post and wondering how I’ll feel when the time comes.
Nina recently posted…Focus on What You Did Right Last Year
Jennifer Wolfe
September 5, 2015Thanks, Nina. I really hope you have an easier time of it than I am!