September came and went with two freshmen living in two states – an official emptiness in our home.
I made friends with a great new author and read some terrific books.
Cameron turned 15, and continued to heal his broken leg and dashed dreams.
I was finally able to write about the change in our lives with Lily going away to college.
The year ends with an interlude between pain and healing, our family back together, and hope for 2015.
Through all this change and tumult in my life, I turned to writing; my favorite posts of the last third of the year were:
These Moms, They Don’t Know Me
A huge, grateful thank you to all of my readers, my friends, and to my family who tolerates my subjecting them to sharing their lives here on mamawolfe. Wishing you all a happy and healthy 2015.
All my best,
Comments: 4
How To Know If You're An Optimist - And 6 Easy Ways To Become One - mamawolfe
April 25, 2015[…] basis. Surprisingly, I found many of the themes here were ideas I’ve written about before: change, gratitude, small moments, value, self-care, inspiration, and service. Because I loved […]
Please, Savor Every Little Bit of Motherhood - mamawolfe
March 26, 2015[…] has been a year of change – a year of change at home, at work, in my writing. I’ve watched my home transform from […]
Kathy Radigan
January 1, 2015Happy New Year my friend!!!! xo
Kathy Radigan recently posted…This Mom is Just Saying No to Making New Year’s Resolutions
Jennifer Wolfe
January 2, 2015Oh Kathy, happy 2015 to you, too! Thank you for being such a great blogging friend!